Due to COVID-19, university life has changed drastically. Most higher education institutions have moved to online classes, and graduations are being cancelled or delayed. You may also have had your summer plans, including internships, cancelled. For those graduating from university, finding a job may be difficult as well. This is an isolating experience for students as a whole.
Our Community
Having a sense of community as you navigate the abrupt changes in life could be of significant value to you. Check out what communities are available to you:
Ismaili Student Network - student-led organization connecting nearly 3,500 Ismaili Muslim undergraduate and graduate students across 460+ colleges and universities.
Ismaili Professionals Network - a community of Ismaili professionals founded on three primary goals: career advancement, collaboration and contribution.
Ismaili Insight - sign up here for the one-stop-shop to get announcements and information on programs from the Jamati insitutions.
Finding Internships and Getting Career Advice
The job market has been drastically affected by the pandemic, and it can be even more difficult to find open positions at a time of such uncertainty. To help you in your search, please see the following resources
IPN Career Coaching - sign up for a 30-minute coaching session with IPN Connect Coaches.
COVID-19 Internships - list of internships currently available.
Working from Home Tips - IPN Career Coach Navid Gilane walks us through "Working from Home" in this short video, providing tips on finding remote jobs, discussing current trends and making the most of the current WFH environment to succeed.
Become a Volunteer
If you are able to provide support to others during this time, please be sure to Become a Volunteer. Some current opportunities available to you are:
Adopt-a-Senior-A way for members of the Jamat to be matched with senior citizens who could benefit from support and assistance during this time of isolation and uncertainty.
Apollo 12 Advisor- Apply to be an advisor in the Apollo 12 Advising program where you will have the opportunity to guide and support students and parents through the college application and college selection process through a virtual platform.
Other opportunities may also arise in your local community and will be shared through the ISN platforms and mailing lists.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions, want to be added to your local campus groups, or need any support during these uncertain times.