2020 Navroz Mubarak from IVC

Navroz Mubarak from the UK Jurisdiction Ismaili Volunteer Corps Executive.


The IVC Exec wish all volunteers and your families and all our brothers and sisters in our jamats a safe, healthy and happy Navroz.  We pray that the current set of challenges are resolved as quickly as possible. May Mawlana Hazar Imam bless the Jamat with the strength and fortitude to face any further difficulties that may arise.  Ameen.

Whilst we, globally, find ourselves in unprecedented times, the spirit of unity, brotherhood and kindness is stronger than ever within our Jamat. As we face the current adversities and challenges, many volunteers have generously offered their time and services to assist other members of the jamat.  The need for social distancing and self-isolation has created significant challenges in facilitating your voluntary service and your health, safety and well-being is our priority.  For all of our volunteers who are working on the front-line, particularly our health workers, we thank you and we salute you and we wish you the strength to continue this amazing work.

In the next few days, an on-line form will be available, through which you will be able to offer your services.  All resources will be collated and where appropriate, you will be contacted to assist our efforts.

In the meantime, whilst you are being encouraged to be physically isolated, please be anything but isolated electronically and on the phone!  Please run through your contact list and take time to call on your old friends, jamati members and anyone else in your network who may be in need.  Only a few minutes of your time will mean an incalculable amount to someone feeling lonely.

We are looking forward to working with all our volunteers again very soon!  

Navroz signifies a a time for spiritual renewal and physical rejuvenation.  Please stay physically strong by exercising at home and eating well.  Please also stay mentally strong; to that end, we will shortly be updating you regarding Headstart which gives you the opportunity to study vocational training courses online.  We hope to roll out additional training online in the near future as well.

We will get through this together.  You are not alone.  And soon we will again be #oneIVC, #oneJamat.

Navroz Mubarak to you.

The IVC Exec