Relationships, whether they are between parents and children, husband and wife, amongst brothers and sisters or within the extended families are an important part of our lives that we must nurture and cherish.

During these unprecedented times, whilst there are pressures upon these relationships as a result of isolation and precautions following the guidance from the government authorities, we can do our best to maintain unity within our families and those whom we love and work with.

Several families may be working from home and this may add pressure on working space and especially if they have children not attending educational establishments whose parents have to ensure their continued education and  home schooling.

These are some tips / recommendations to maintain peace and harmony during these difficult times.

• Communicate well between each other
• Give each other space to work and reflect within the home
• Respect each others’s culture and tradition
• Ensure that the family has quality time for discussion of issues
• Any issues raised within the family need to be resolved calmly
• Always put yourself in the other persons shoes and reflect how you would feel.
• Do not discuss sensitive issues in the presence of the children.
• Allocate equitable tasks to members of the family within the household bearing in mind their health and abilities
• Work in unity as a family
• Manage your finances well to ensure stability and transparency.
• Ensure your health and well-being through exercise and healthy lifestyle

Resolving issues that arise within any relationship be it within the family or a business partnership before it escalates and needs further intervention ,
Please contact the relevant Institution that can assist you with utmost confidentiality.

Unity within a family, the Jamat as a community and Society at large is the key to peace within a nation and the world at large and we pray for unity and harmony within families and the Jamats, Ameen