Aga Khan Health Board

The Aga Khan Health Board (AKHB) is a volunteer organisation under the Ismaili Council for the United Kingdom (UK). It was established to improve the overall health of the Ismaili Muslim Community in the UK. Through educational programmes, health resources and community outreach, the board aims to improve the physical and mental health of the community. AKHB also provides First Aid and headstart training, as well raises awareness of the non-communicable diseases through it programmatic activity.

Health Passport
Health Passport
28 March 2020

Don’t go anywhere without your Health Passport!

The Health Passport contains key information about you, your medical condition and who to contact in the case of emergency

A note to Key Workers
A note to Key Workers
28 March 2020

On behalf of the Jamat, we would like to say a massive thank you to the numerous key workers amongst us. We know you are going above and beyond for your community and your country and we truly appreciate this and are so proud of the work you are all doing. Have a look below at some useful tips and benefits that may be applicable to you during this period.

Health Tips for Key Workers to Avoid Burnout During the COVID Crisis
Health Tips for Key Workers to Avoid Burnout During the COVID Crisis
24 March 2020

Health Tips for Key Workers to Avoid Burnout During the COVID Crisis

COVID-19 Guidelines from the Aga Khan Health Board
COVID-19 Guidelines from the Aga Khan Health Board
18 March 2020

To help prevent the further spread of COVID-19, and to make sure the Jamat is well informed on how to protect themselves, Aga Khan Health Board for the United Kingdom has issued the following guidance. 

Uncertain times present an opportunity to come together and face challenges with a sense of hope and resolve as One Jamat.
Uncertain times present an opportunity to come together and face challenges with a sense of hope and resolve as One Jamat.
How to cope in a crisis
How to cope in a crisis
13 March 2020

In recent days, the global Covid-19 pandemic has taken up the majority of news coverage, social media activity, and general communication. The threat of coronavirus is serious, though it’s important to retain some perspective and remain hopeful.

Golden, British Columbia Canada/Nabila Walji
Golden, British Columbia Canada/Nabila Walji
Climate change: What can we do?
Climate change: What can we do?
28 October 2019

Our natural environment constantly changes, due to natural phenomena that have been happening over millions of years. Human activities, however, are causing unfavourable changes within the environment.

Dr Amina Jindani receives an award in 2018 from Iqbal Nasim, Chief Executive, National Zakat Foundation.
Dr Amina Jindani receives an award in 2018 from Iqbal Nasim, Chief Executive, National Zakat Foundation.
Anything but orthodox: Dr Amina Jindani’s contribution to global health
Anything but orthodox: Dr Amina Jindani’s contribution to global health
15 October 2019

On 16 October, Dr Amina Jindani was bestowed with a Professorship by St. George’s, University of London, in honour of her years of service and momentous contribution to the field of medicine. We sat down with Dr Jindani to discuss her childhood decision to become a doctor, her work which has spanned over 40 years in the field of medicine, and her recent award of Professorship.

One of the dishes shortlisted in the recipe competition is prepared for the judges’ tasting.
One of the dishes shortlisted in the recipe competition is prepared for the judges’ tasting.
Winners announced in UK recipe competition
Winners announced in UK recipe competition
21 October 2010

Earlier this year, the Aga Khan Heath Board for the United Kingdom launched their first National Recipe Competition. The competition provided a chance for cooking connoisseurs of all ages to share their culinary creations. is pleased to join the Aga Khan Health Board (UK) in launching a web-based Nutrition Centre. is pleased to join the Aga Khan Health Board (UK) in launching a web-based Nutrition Centre. launches Nutrition Centre and unveils a new design launches Nutrition Centre and unveils a new design
18 March 2008

A refreshed look and feel and several new features provide a richer, easier and more informative user experience. The redesign accompanies the launch of a new web-based Nutrition Centre together with the Aga Khan Health Board (UK).

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