Global Encounters presents Giving is Uplifting

During his Diamond Jubilee year, Mawlana Hazar Imam established Global Encounters, a new institution bringing together existing flagship international programmes designed to uplift the Jamat. To support Mawlana Hazar Imam's vision, the first fundraising campaign for Global Encounters called Giving is Uplifting was launched. Donations can be made on behalf of yourself, or made as a gift on behalf of your children and grandchildren. The legacy of our Jamat rests with us, and we can be the founding Patrons of this new institution for £20/month. All donations can be made via the AKF UK website by clicking here. Please click on Global Encounters on the programmes drop down menu when donating.

The aim of Global Encounters is to elevate the Jamat through its programs and create the next generation of global leaders, thinkers and changemakers for our Jamat. Global Encounters programs include Youth Camps, Heritage programs, the new Talent Institute, Jubilee Arts and Jubilee Games, as well as the Festival scheduled in Dubai, 2024.

Youth camps provide once in a lifetime inspirational experiences. To date, 1400 alumni from 40 countries worldwide have participated. These include Afghan students who have gone on to seek opportunities to study in the USA, as well as students whose newly found leadership skills have enabled them to follow careers where they now lead teams in The White House. The goal is to continue increasing the capacity of these camps so that more students around the world can attend, irrespective of their geography and economic background.

The new Talent Institute aims to attract the brightest and best talent in arts and sports, and mentor them through their journey to achieving excellence.

The Heritage programs seek to take members of the Jamat, physically and virtually across the world, uniting us, whilst exploring and understanding the cultural tapestry within our Jamat.

And of course, there is also the Festival next year where the global Jamat will come together to compete in arts and sports.


The Impact of Global Encounters is vast, especially the youth camps. One notable success story is Azima, the daughter of her two deaf parents, whose Global Encounters youth camp experience inspired her journey in her career. To watch her story, click here

To continue increasing the reach of these programs and to uplift the future of our Jamat, we need your support. We are pleased to announce the launch of the first-ever Global Encounters fundraising campaign, “Giving is Uplifting”. We invite the Jamat to become a Global Encounters Patron by donating £20/month for four years, or a one off £1,000 donation.

These funds will be used to support all of the Global Encounters programming. Your support will strengthen and uplift the global Jamat for years to come.


All donations can be made via AKF UK via the AKF UK website. Please visit the donate page, and click on Global Encounters from the programmes drop down menu when donating. To donate now, click here

Thank you for your support as we Give to Uplift our Jamat.

For more information please visit the Global Encounters website

To get in touch with the team please e-mail [email protected]

To donate, please visit AKF UK