Content Tagged with Volunteerism

Enthusiastic participants from Gilgit, Hunza and Ishkoman-Puniyal learnt ice skating and hockey through AKYSB Pakistan's expanded Sports Fellowship Programme.

A little over a year ago, the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan launched a sports training programme, which proved to be popular and successful ahead of the 2016 Jubilee Games. This winter, the Youth and Sports Board expanded the programme to include golf, ice skating and ice hockey.

An Ismaili volunteer prepares Thanksgiving pumpkin pie as part of Operation Turkey to deliver meals for people in need in Dallas. Sara Maherali

Thanksgiving in the United States is when family and friends gather to share a meal in their homes. But the national holiday is also an opportunity to join with neighbours in offering service, and across the country, American Ismailis did exactly that.

Preparing to plant trees at Silvaasa to mark the anniversary of India's independence. Ismaili Council for India

Across India this 15 August, Ismailis celebrated their nation’s independence through acts that contributed to the wellbeing of society. Members of the Jamat planted trees, cleaned up local monuments and put on street plays to educate about traffic safety.

Hospitality desk volunteers answered questions and offered directions and tips to the thousands of people attending the Jubilee Games in Dubai. JG

Approximately 2 000 volunteers from the United Arab Emirates and abroad gathered in Dubai to make the 2016 Jubilee Games a reality. This video pays tribute to them.

Aga Khan Scouts and Guides and volunteers from Oxygen Management Consultants prepare to spread smiles at the Rashid Hospital Trauma Center on the New Year's Eve. Habib Hussain

To help everybody usher in 2016 on a positive note, a group of Ismaili volunteers in Dubai visited the Rashid Hospital Trauma Center to bring new year festivities to the patients.

Based at the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa, Global Encounters campers from Jamats around the world engaged in community service, explored Kenyan culture and visited AKDN projects in the surrounding region.

This summer, 160 Ismaili students and volunteers gathered in Mombasa to take part in Global Encounters 2015. Now in its third year, the programme brought together youth and young professionals from 24 countries to renew a tradition of global citizenship and experience living as part of an international community.

Ismaili fans fill the stands to cheer on athletes at the Los Angeles Special Olympics. Ismaili Council for the USA

When the Ismaili Muslim community in the United States was invited to assist with the 2015 Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, the Jamat embraced the opportunity. Volunteers took on numerous roles, including hosting the delegation of athletes and coaches from Bangladesh.

Canadian immigration consultant Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla was selected for an international TKN assignment by the Ismaili Council for Australia and New Zealand to find better ways to help recent migrants settle.

Based in Auckland, New Zealand, Azim Mitha is a matchmaker of sorts: he matches offerings of time and knowledge made by volunteers with the opportunities and needs of Jamati and Imamat institutions. In doing so, he helps qualified and capable professionals in the Jamat to offer meaningful voluntary service in their own field, while strengthening institutional capacity.

Zahra Jessa runs as a torch bearer in the 2012 London Olympics on 25 July.

Today’s opening of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games marks an historic moment for the city and for modern sport gatherings. Approximately 680 members of the Ismaili community registered to help in the Olympic effort, and will take part as drummers, dancers, torch bearers and Olympic Ambassadors.

Presidents Mohamed Manji and Karim Sunderji of the Ismaili Councils for Canada and Ontario receive Premier Dalton McGuinty upon his arrival at Headquarters Jamatkhana in Toronto.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty generously praised the Ismaili community at a gathering of Jamati and civic leaders held at Toronto’s Headquarters Jamatkhana in April. Recognising the long-standing relationship and common values shared between the Jamat and the province, he presented certificates to the Presidents of the Ismaili Councils for Canada and Ontario.

Dr Nooredin Nurani (at the far left) and his team of dedicated volunteers offer free dental treatment at an annual event in Atlanta.

Described as grassroots because they are led by concerned citizens rather than governments or established institutions, such community action initiatives can be a powerful means in addressing difficult issues. Some Ismailis are successfully using grassroots action to magnify the impact of their volunteer work.

Ismaili volunteers taking part in the USA Jamat’s I-CERV programme pack clothes for Ocean Park Community Center in California.

Service to humanity is at once an ethic deeply rooted in the Islamic tradition, as well as a fundamental expression of American civic values. Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the September 11th tragedy in partnership with their fellow Americans, Ismaili Muslims across the United States will volunteer in a wide range of service activities in their local communities.

The Ismaili volunteer team took charge of the Water Station at Mile 20, handing out hydration and plenty of encouragement to runners as they passed a critical junction along the course.

Thirty Ismaili volunteers extended a hand of friendship and support – and many bottles of water – to some 8 000 runners at the 2011 Brighton Marathon. The event was an opportunity to get involved and give back to the wider community.

Salim Mohamed signing his TKN contract at the PCM Dubai Office on 5 March 2008. He would serve as PCM’s Regional Project Manager for East Africa.

When Salim Mohamed started his Time and Knowledge Nazrana assignment with AKDN project and construction management company PCM, the civil engineer brought decades of experience to the East African construction projects he was tasked with overseeing. He in turn gained valuable experience working in an African setting, and an understanding of what it’s like to work for an AKDN institution.

The Ismaili volunteer team took charge of the Water Station at Mile 20, handing out hydration and plenty of encouragement to runners as they passed a critical junction along the course.

Thirty Ismaili volunteers extended a hand of friendship and support – and many bottles of water – to some 8 000 runners at the 2011 Brighton Marathon. The event was an opportunity to get involved and give back to the wider community.

Despite the magnitude of the disastrous flooding in Pakistan and the impact on its people, many in the international community remain unaware, and the attention garnered early on has waned. Through individual and organised institutional efforts, many Ismailis, together with others in Pakistan and around the world, have sought to raise awareness and funds to support flood relief efforts.

AKF USA volunteers in Memphis get hyped for Partnerships<em>InAction</em>.

This year, the annual PartnershipsInAction Walk in the United States launched with a green theme that draws attention to the impact of climate change. Underscored by the recent flood disaster in Pakistan, the Walk’s message has taken on an even greater urgency, and is echoed by volunteers across the country as they seek to raise awareness and support.

Medical professionals gather in a surgical theatre in Kinshasa to operate on a young patient. In addition to correcting patients’ facial deformities, Operation Smile gives local trainees a chance to learn from experts in their field.

Sixteen-month-old Jimla Kasenga and 61-year-old Mukadi Kabengele both have a reason to smile. Each of them underwent facial reconstructive surgery at Operation Smile’s recent medical mission to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The week-long mission was broadly supported by members of the local Ismaili community.

In March 2010, the the Jamat in Afghanistan observed Volunteer Week, a week-long celebration of volunteerism. It was an opportunity to showcase the impact that volunteers have on the Jamat’s wellbeing, and increase the unity and collaboration among them, as well as within the wider Jamat.

Volunteers hard at work setting up displays for the AKDN Exhibition at the Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe.

On 11 July, the Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe was the venue for an Imamat Day reception hosted by the Aga Khan Development Network in Tajikistan. The event, which also marked the 15th anniversary of the signing of an Agreement of Cooperation between the Government of Tajikistan and the AKDN, included a cultural show as well as a three-day exhibition of AKDN’s projects in the country during the past 15 years.