Content Tagged with India


Sanitation is a pressing global developmental issue on which the Government of India has been working since the past two decades. In line with Government’s plans, AKAHI has been successfully working in the field of rural water, sanitation and hygiene promotion since 1995, leading to significant improvement in the hygiene standards of people across its project locations. On the occasion of world Toilet day on 19 November 2019, we bring you details of activities done by AKAHI and its impact.

Digital Detoxification - International Internet Day - 2019

Today, on the International Internet Day, we celebrate the power of digital communication and how it connects us with the rest of the world. However, let us also become cognizant about some of the best practices to ensure that we remain in control of the technology rather than technology overpowering us. Renowned psychologist, Neha Somani shares her insights on effective ways to practice a “Digital Detoxification”

Tree Plantation Drive in CNEI

Environmental stewardship is the social responsibility of every individual and in this article we reflect on our duty to leave the planet in a better condition than we found it.

My Imamat Day Resolution - 2019, Southern India

My Imamat Day Resolution - 2019 in Southern India

Imamat Day Celebration 2019- Southern India

Imamat Day Celebration 2019 in Southern India

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019 - Western India

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019 in Western India

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019- CNEI

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019 in Central Norhtern and Eeastern India

Imamat Day Celebration 2019- CNEI

Imamat Day Celebration 2019 in Centrak Northern and Eastern India

Imamat Day Celebration 2019- North Eastern Gujrat

Imamat Day Celebration 2019 in North Eastern Gujrat

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019- Northern Saurashtra

My Imamat Day Resolution 2019 in Northern Saurashtra

Imamat Day Celebration 2019- Northern Saurashtra

Imamat Day Jubilee Celebration, 2019 in  Northern Saurashtra

IDA Award Ceremony Picture -   Dr Iqbal Sama, Head- Special Projects and Gujarat Office & Mr Giridhar Reddy, Principal – Aga Khan School, Mundra receiving the award at Bengaluru.

“An education must equip students with the tools that enable them to adapt and thrive in a world characterised by change.” - Mawlana Hazar Imam

While each of the industrial revolutions were significant in their own right, Industry 4.0 is seen as more profoundly impacting human life, blurring the lines between physical, digital, and biological.

It’s become an oft repeated cliché that we live in times of exponential change, driven by disruptive technologies, shifting global politics, changing human behaviour, and newly emerging social norms. And yet, as we enter the era of the fourth industrial revolution, we may be witnessing the greatest amount of change ever seen in a single human lifetime. 

Children listen attentively to Sonia Mackwani during a storytelling session.

Civil Society has the potential to play a fundamental role in bringing about change for a brighter future. This article features stories of individuals who have brought about change and bettered the lives of others, illustrating that each of us, in our own special way, can can help one another to build a better future.

Her Royal Highness the Countess of Wessex (right) expressed appreciation for the courageous and important work done by AKDN institutions in India.

In May 2019, Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex visited a health programme run by the Aga Khan Health Services at the Sir Elly Kadoorie School and Junior College in Mumbai, India. The Countess was on a five-day visit to India to see the work of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust.

Pait Puja ladies with WAP members at Snack Counter during Youth Sports program in Academy

They say “Nothing connects to the heart better than Homemade Food“ and Women’s Activity Portfolio (WAP) team did exactly that with their initiative called “Pait Puja”. A Program that provides home makers a platform to do what they do best i.e. Make some delicious home cooked food and be able to sell it too.   

Cake Cutting ceremony to Celebrate Success of Women's Wellness Club

‘Diva night’, A gala event to celebrate womanhood was held at Bhuj, Mundra, Anjar and Kera under the Kutch Council in Gujarat on 23 March 2019.

Chief Guest, Dy SP Anand and Cjairman AKHB, Anand arriving to flag off the Rally

On Friday, 31st May, 2019, ‘No Tobacco’ awareness programme was conducted by the Aga Khan Health Board for Ahmedabad - Anand Centre. It consisted of a World No Tobacco Day Awareness Rally that was conducted with the help of Scouts & Guides - Anand, Aga Khan Youth & Sports Board - Anand and India Volunteer Core Group -Division Anand.