Content Tagged with Global

The transformation of demographic trends in the European Union have led to a reshaping of the economic environment as well. In light of these changes, members of the European Jamat need to re-evaluate their savings strategies and career choices in order to ensure financial security.

Turkish Art from the Spirit & Life Exhibition. Chestnut tree leaf, 19th Century. From the Collections of the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto.

Afroza and Alykhan Nanji, a dentist and doctor respectively, are raising their two children in Calgary, Canada. Like many couples with young families, they have struggled with the definition of success as they juggle commitments to their faith, family, careers and community.

The colonnade (1.2 km long) at Palmyra dating back almost 2000 years

Sixteen members of the UK Jamat participated in “Excursions across cultures." They experienced the warm hospitality of the Syrian Jamat, as well as the rich and varied history of a land that has weaved together many different cultures over time.

Ulzhan Baibussynova and Ardak Issataeva play the dombra and sing traditional Kazakh songs

A profile of the AKMICA sponsored concert tour in the USA which featured three musical traditions from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Each tradition displayed a common thread that linked the cultures with music that has been used to express social identity and preserve spiritual beliefs.

Spirit & Life: Masterpieces of Islamic Art from the Aga Khan Museum Collection. Cover of exhibition catalogue print version published by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC)

Currently touring Europe, rare masterpieces of Islamic art, from the Aga Khan Museum Collection are contributing to a wider understanding of Islam's rich artistic and cultural history. The Aga Khan Museum Collection has been appreciated by not only the Jamat but also members of the general public.

Nafisa Gulshaeva, a staff member of the AKF-supported Institute of Professional Development in Dushanbe, discusses teaching resources with visitors.

Over 5 000 people viewed informative exhibits, listened to traditional Tajik music, and examined locally-developed products as part of a two-day exhibition on the work of the Aga Khan Development Network in Tajikistan.

Madagascar’s Lake Mantasoa — site of Camp Wasal 2007

The Indian Ocean region islands include: Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Comoros and Reunion Island. The predominantly French-speaking Jamat is spread among these islands and, in an effort promote English among the youth, the Aga Khan Education Services, Madagascar organised an English language camp that brought together participants from continental Africa and the Indian Ocean region.

A senior Jamati leader, in ceremonial regalia, welcoming Jamati members in London

Over the past 50 years, the European Union has grown in size, influence, and scope, and the decisions made by the Union touch the lives of every citizen in Europe. Similarly, in his 50 years as spiritual leader of the global Ismaili community, Mawlana Hazar Imam has overseen the growth of Jamati and Imamat institutions, as well as the growth of the Jamat as it spread across various regions around the world.

Members of the Aga Khan Band Troupe play at the colourful launch of the Golden Jubilee celebrations in Nairobi

11 July 2007 was indeed a historic day for the global Jamat, and to celebrate, Ismailis all over the African continent enjoyed several days of festivities leading up to Imamat day. Across the continent, the day itself began with flag raising ceremonies to launch the Golden Jubilee year, with Jamati leadership participating with Scouts, Guides, volunteers and members of the Jamat.

Volunteers in Dubai performing a garba

11 July 2007 marked the unison of Ismailis of different nationalities, cultures and backgrounds gathered in various regional venues in the Middle East to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their Imam. Irrespective of the geographical settings, whether it be Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the celebrations were memorable.

Keynote address by the UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Jorge Sampaio

The Council of Europe, an organisation promoting democracy and human rights in Europe, will be launching a White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue with the support of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Portugal, and other international organisations.

School children learn to play the daf, an Iranian percussion instrument.

The Social Hall at The Ismaili Centre in London, was filled with people of all ages eager to hear the spectacular fusion of sounds from an incredible mix of western and eastern instruments on 21 June 2007, as part of the Exhibition Road Music Day festivities.

Presentation of the 'Bachelor of Humanities' degree by Eddah Gachukia of Kenyatta University, together with Zul Abdul, President of the Ismaili Council for Kenya

A member of the Lions International, Dilshad Mohamed, a businesswoman, has undertaken many initiatives to help out the members of the community in which she lives. Her efforts have been recognised both locally and internationally.

Rizwan Virji at a leadership camp

Young people today require as much support as we can provide in their overall development. Outdoor leadership programmes can provide a continuous progression and a firm foundation from which to grow. Rizwan Virji writes about the initiatives organised for young members of the Jamat in Kenya with a view to enhancing their leadership development.

Scouts & Guides at base camp at Nanga Parbat

The United Arab Emirates Thalassemia Society and Pakistani Thalassemia Society joined hands in an effort to increase awareness of this blood disorder which occurs most frequently in people of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Southern Asian and African ancestry. About 100 000 babies worldwide are born with severe forms of thalassemia each year.

Flag hoisiting ceremony at Bandra Yuwan society in Mumbai; Mr. Firoz Sattani and Mr. Anwarali Rayani, Vice-President, Ismaili Council for India

Sixty years and she's seen it all - happiness and sorrow, love and hate, poverty and riches. And her citizens celebrated this milestone across the country. Independence Day in India was celebrated by Jamati members at various centres across India. The Independence Day events invigorated and re-ignited the spirit of patriotism in the Jamat who are proud to be citizens of India and share with her the journey forward.


Whether as ancient artefacts, or contemporary jewellery, the ubiquitous bead continues to have a fascinating appeal around the world. There have always been people who value special bones, stones, shells, seeds and beads for their magical qualities. By incorporating beads into the cultural fabric of their lives, native people worldwide have given us a marvellously textured view of history. Fariyal Jiwa recounts her foray into this world of beads which have been employed by many people for many purposes.

An-Nahdhah mosque

Pluralism involves more than just tolerance, for tolerance does not ensure harmony. With ten national religions Singapore could be deemed the poster child for diversity and with this diversity, pluralism is tantamount. The Harmony Centre, part of the An-Nahdhah Mosque in Singapore aims to cast aside the misconceptions regarding Islam and Muslims and provides insights into the religious practices of Muslims as well other religions and the importance that Islam places of pluralism.