Content Tagged with Global

Portuguese youth participate in a special Dar-at-Ta’lim art project commemorating the Golden Jubilee visit of Mawlana Hazar Imam.

Preparations for Mawlana Hazar Imam’s visit to Portugal are well under way. In addition to all the work the volunteers and Scouts have been doing to prepare for the festivities, the young people of the Jamat have also embarked on an exciting art project.

National Flags paraded during the Closing Ceremony of the inaugural Golden Jubilee Games.

The inaugural Golden Jubilee Games came to a close on 29 June 2008, following seven days of international brotherhood, intense athleticism, and a celebration of Mawlana Hazar Imam's Jubilee through sport. The Closing Ceremony was attended by Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya.

Athletes from several countries gather for a photograph following the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games.

A video montage documenting the struggles that athletes faced during the Games, and their valiance in overcoming them.

Athletes from several countries gather for a photograph following the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games.

A compilation of clips taken from various sports played at the Golden Jubilee Games.

The fireworks finale during the Closing Ceremony.

The inaugural Golden Jubilee Games came to a close on 29 June 2008, following seven days of international brotherhood, intense athleticism, and a celebration of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Jubilee through sport. The Closing Ceremony was attended by Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya.


National Sports Convenors and leaders of the Golden Jubilee Games committee plant a Baobab tree in commemoration of the inaugural Golden Jubilee Games.

Ismaili teams from countries around the world join together in celebrating the Games through the Swahili song Jambo!

A fitting finale for the Golden Jubilee Games.

A special moment of realisation took place at the athletes’ parade on Tuesday morning. It gained poignancy during the Opening Ceremony that followed. A united Jamat from over twenty-five countries took a collective breath as they witnessed the ascent of the Ismaili Flag, and were struck by the notes of the Nashid al-Imamah. It is this collective spirit that has been the signature of these Games.

On the eve of the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games, an International Bazaar and Carnivale Ya Kenya was held, showcasing the history and cultural traditions of Jamats and the countries in which they live.

Traditional Maasai dancers welcome people to the International Bazaar and Carnivale Ya Kenya.

The International Bazaar and Carnivale Ya Kenya took place at Stone City earlier in the week and is set to repeat on Saturday evening. The event showcases the history and cultural traditions of Jamats and the countries in which they live.

Performers at the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games.

Twelve hundred energised athletes paraded onto the grounds of the Aga Khan Sports Centre as 4000 spectators watched in eager anticipation. A new moment in Ismaili history was created – Jamat from around the world witnessed the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games.

Performers at the Opening Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Games.

Ismailis from all over the world arrive in Kenya for the Golden Jubilee Games.

Neither player can let the ball slip away in a crucial moment to determine who will go to Kenya.

Ismaili athletes from the United Kingdom and other European countries were fêted at a send-off ahead of the Golden Jubilee Games. The dinner event, hosted by the Jamati leadership, provided the players with encouragement and inspiration to prepare them for their journey.

The Ismaili football team <em>United France</em> poses for a team photograph.

The Golden Jubilee Games in Kenya will provide a platform for Jamati athletes from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Ivory Coast to demonstrate their athletic talent and enthusiasm on a global stage. 

Zahira Virani prepares to run the London Marathon.

In April 2008, Zahira Virani ran the Flora London Marathon, pushing her limits while raising funds for development initiatives of the Aga Khan Foundation. Shaneen Makhani spoke with her to learn what motivated her, and how she managed to juggle her training with her family and work commitments.

Athletes line-up to register at the Aga Khan University Sports Complex in Karachi.

The Pakistan Jamat participated in the josh trials for the Golden Jubilee Games at the Aga Khan University Sports and Rehabilitation Centre in Karachi, drawing more than 2 200 athletes from across the country.

Uncertainty always signals a need for caution. But spectacular payoffs, writes Professor Alnoor Bhimani, can also accrue from the opportunities that are presented by uncertainty.

Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States, Sam Brock, in discussion with External Activities Task Force member, Nimet Janmohamed.

As part of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, the Ismaili community in the Democratic Republic of Congo hosted a commemorative dinner in Kinshasa. The dinner was attended by Jamati leaders, key policy makers and government officials, and provided a forum to exhibit the work of the Ismaili Imamat in the country.

Lifelong learning and the development of new skills is one of the priorities of the European Union.

The ability to adapt and continue learning is an essential skill in a fast-paced and rapidly-changing world. The Ismaili Council for the European Union has launched a programme which aims to turn learning into a continuous and natural process in the life of every Ismaili in Europe.

Mawlana Hazar Imam is joined by Bangladesh’s Honourable Adviser for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed, in unveiling the plaque marking the foundation of the Ismaili Jamatkhana and Centre in Dhaka.

Video of Mawlana Hazar Imam presiding over the Foundation-Stone laying ceremony for the Ismaili Jamatkhana and Centre Dhaka, in Bangladesh.