Content Tagged with Global

RAYS OF LIGHT ambassadors assist a member of the Edmonton Jamat to register in advance of the exhibition’s Canadian premiere.

A Golden Jubilee International Programme, RAYS OF LIGHT: Glimpses into the Ismaili Imamat, will make its much-anticipated Canadian debut in Edmonton on 4 July 2013. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity for the Jamat and the wider public to understand the scope and scale of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s tremendous work across the globe.

Participants take a keen interest in the music session during the National Youth Camp.

Young Ismailis from across Pakistan grappled with the challenge of re-imagining their country’s future last year at the National Youth Camp 2012 held in Karachi. Some 80 participants aged 18 – 22 engaged in dialogue about differences and commonality, reflected on how to make positive life choices, and learnt how they might transform their hopes for a better world into reality.

Professor Charles Correa addresses the audience at a gathering held at the Ismaili Centre, London in his honour.

At a special event held at the Ismaili Centre, Prince Amyn spoke in honour of the illustrious career of Professor Charles Correa, and acknowledged his long-standing partnership with the AKDN.

During a recent on-stage conversation held at the Ismaili Centre, Burnaby, Dr Farhad Daftary spoke about what motivated him to abandon his doctoral pursuits in Economics in the 1960s in order to seek out a future in Ismaili studies. The dialogue took place as part of a book launch for a recently published collection of scholarly perspectives on areas of Ismaili history and thought titled Fortresses of the Intellect.

Mawlana Hazar Imam participates in a panel discussion on Culture in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Hangzhou, China, 15 May 2013 – Mawlana Hazar Imam delivered the keynote address today at the Hangzhou International Congress "Culture: Key to Sustainable Development" organised by UNESCO, the People’s Republic of China and the Hangzhou Municipal Government. 

Lisbon, 30 April 2013 – The shortlist of nominees for the 2013 cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture was announced today at Portugal’s Palacio das Necessidades (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). 

Mental health is strongly linked to socioeconomic conditions; job security and steady incomes predict good mental health, while unemployment, debt and poor housing are significant contributors to poor mental health.

Positive mental health allows an individual to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to their community and family. But changes in socioeconomic conditions can impact mental wellbeing. In times of economic difficulty, it is particularly important to maintain and improve our mental health and lifestyles.

Prince Rahim and Ms Kendra Spears.

On 26 April 2013, Mawlana Hazar Imam announced the engagement of his eldest son, Prince Rahim, to Ms Kendra Spears of Seattle, Washington, the United States.

Prince Rahim and Ms Kendra Spears.

On 26 April 2013, Mawlana Hazar Imam announced the engagement of his eldest son, Prince Rahim, to Ms Kendra Spears of Seattle, Washington, the United States.


During the annual flagship concert of the Ismaili Community Ensemble, Riaz Rhemtulla and Scheherazaad Cooper bring the shadow landers to life through Kathak and Odissi dance forms.

The lyrics, movement and music that reverberated throughout the auditorium of the Britten Theatre at The Royal College of Music, captured the imaginations of hundreds in the audience. In their annual flagship performance, the Ismaili Community Ensemble demonstrated that historical literature represents an important expression of thought, culture and civilisation.

Governor of Gaza Province, Raimundo Diomba, receives a donation of food and cooking utensils for flood victims in Chibuto District, delivered by representatives of the AKDN and the Ismaili community.

When heavy January rains caused massive flooding in south and central Mozambique, the Ismaili community and the institutions of the Ismaili Imamat quickly mobilized a response. A donation of food, medicine, tools, and supplies was assembled to help the Government of Mozambique support victims, volunteers and military forces who were providing assistance on the ground.

Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi delivered 2013 Milad-un-Nabi lecture at the Ismaili Centre, London.

Milad-un-Nabi marks the anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him and his family). To commemorate this anniversary, The Ismaili Centre, London hosts an annual lecture on a particular aspect of the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet.

Children and parents take part in activities during the Los Angeles ECDC Week of the Young Child held in April 2012.

The early years (from birth to six) are the period of most rapid growth in brain development. Exposure to music helps develop listening and auditory discrimination skills while contributing to motor skill development and increasing the range and flexibility of the voice. Similarly, introducing art to children at a young age has a number of benefits, ranging from improving creativity to increasing self-confidence.

Members of the Jamat gather on stage for a photograph at the Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore after their outreach event.

The Far East Jamat had an opportunity to experience Treasures of the Aga Khan Museum – Architecture in Islamic Arts, a special exhibition of the Aga Khan Museum Collection that visited Malaysia and Singapore last year. The exhibitions also provided an opportunity for the Jamat to reach out and share Ismaili culture and values with the wider public.

The Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat was recognised with the 2012 Governor General’s Medals in Architecture.

Ottawa, 1 February 2013 – The Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat in Ottawa was among twelve projects that had the honour of receiving the Governor General’s Medals in Architecture. Presented at Rideau Hall by Governor General David Johnston, the prestigious award recognises outstanding achievement in projects built by Canadian architects.

Participants rescue a casualty in a mock drill organised by FOCUS as part of the Delhi Emergency Management Exercise.

At the invitation of and in collaboration with India’s National Disaster Management Authority, four members of the FOCUS India Search and Rescue Team conducted a training seminar for police and fire officials, members of the army, railway, home guard, and other security and government agencies in Delhi. The training was part of a week-long emergency management exercise organised by the District Disaster Management Authority of Delhi.

Canadian immigration consultant Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla was selected for an international TKN assignment by the Ismaili Council for Australia and New Zealand to find better ways to help recent migrants settle.

Based in Auckland, New Zealand, Azim Mitha is a matchmaker of sorts: he matches offerings of time and knowledge made by volunteers with the opportunities and needs of Jamati and Imamat institutions. In doing so, he helps qualified and capable professionals in the Jamat to offer meaningful voluntary service in their own field, while strengthening institutional capacity.

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Prime Minister Odinga, Prince Hussain, and other dignitaries discuss the model of the soon to be restored Nairobi City Park.

Nairobi, 29 November 2012 – Mawlana Hazar Imam and Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga marked the signing of an important agreement between the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Government of Kenya to rehabilitate Nairobi City Park. The 60-hectare heritage site is a natural preserve and an important cultural asset whose restoration can contribute to improving quality of life in the busy urban centre.

The President of Kenya, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, greets Mawlana Hazar Imam at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi.

Nairobi, 28 November 2012 – After attending the inauguration of the new headquarters of the East African Community in Arusha earlier today, Mawlana Hazar Imam travelled to the Kenyan capital, where he will witness the signing of an agreement for the rehabilitation of the Nairobi City Park.