Content Tagged with Global

A young girl presents Mawlana Hazar Imam with flowers on the occasion of the inauguration of the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad.

Hyderabad, India, 20 September 2013 –The Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad, the second in a global network of 18 schools, was officially inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and India’s Minister for Human Resource Development in the presence of Mawlana Hazar Imam.

Mawlana Hazar Imam speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad.

“Our purpose, as you know, is to educate the most talented young minds from many countries, for a global future.”

The newly restored dome of Humayun’s Tomb, in Delhi.

Delhi, 18 September 2013 – The restoration of the 16th century garden tomb of the Mughal emperor Humayun was inaugurated in Delhi today. Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, the Minister of Culture, Chandresh Kumari Katoch, and Chairman Ratan Tata of the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust presided over the ceremony together, a reflection of the public-private partnership that was pivotal to the project’s success.

President Ajanee presents Mawlana Hazar Imam with a 19th century Indian dervish staff with a handle formed in the calligraphic name of Ali, and inscriptions that read “Ya Ali Madad” and “Huwa Ya Ali Madad”. The gift was presented a

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17 September 2013 – Concluding a two-day visit to Bangladesh, Mawlana Hazar Imam departed from Dhaka this afternoon. Hazar Imam travels on to India for a two-week visit.

Mawlana Hazar Imam, accompanied by Prince Hussain and officials from the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, walks down the central axis of the Sunder Nursery — once known as Azim Bagh (great garden) — after visiting  the Sunder Burj, a 16th century tomb restored

Delhi, 17 September 2013 – Mawlana Hazar Imam arrived in India today, starting a 10-day visit during which he will join Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in marking the completion of the restoration of Humayun's Tomb. He will also inaugurate a new Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad.

Mawlana Hazar Imam is greeted by the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, Dr Dipu Moni, and the Ambassador at Large from the Prime Minister’s Office, Mohammad Ziauddin, upon his arrival in Dhaka.

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16 September 2013 – Mawlana Hazar Imam arrived in Dhaka this morning for a two-day official visit to Bangladesh at the invitation of the government. During the visit, Hazar Imam is expected to meet with government leaders, sign a protocol agreement between the AKDN and the Government of Bangladesh and meet with the Jamat at the new Ismaili Jamatkhana and Centre.

Mawlana Hazar Imam signs a protocol agreement with Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni between AKDN and the Government of Bangladesh, as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina looks on.

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16 September 2013 – An agreement was signed between the Aga Khan Development Network and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh today, that will work towards improving the quality of life of the people of Bangladesh.

Mawlana Hazar Imam arrives, together with Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva and his wife, Maria Alves da Silva, at the Castle of São Jorge, venue of the 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture ceremony.

Five projects from Austria, Iran, Morocco, Palestine, and Sudan were presented with the 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture on Saturday. The Award ceremony was held at the Castle of São Jorge in Lisbon in the presence of Mawlana Hazar Imam and Portugal's head of state, President Cavaco Silva.

The 2013 ceremony of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture will take place on 6 September in Lisbon, Portugal, and will be broadcast live on the AKDN website starting at 8:30 PM Lisbon time (7:30 PM GMT). The website also includes detailed profiles of the projects that are shortlisted for this year's award, as well as information about winners from past years.


Mawlana Hazar Imam welcomes the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, His Eminence Dom Manuel Clemente, accompanied by the Patriarch Emeritus of Lisbon, His Eminence Dom José Policarpo, to the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon.

Lisbon, 7 September 2013 – Mawlana Hazar Imam is in Portugal for the 12th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, which was presented yesterday at Lisbon’s São Jorge Castle. As part of his visit Hazar Imam also held meetings with a number of senior Portuguese officials, and presided over the signing ceremony of a renewed Memorandum of Understanding between the Catholic University of Portugal and the Aga Khan University.

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Prince Rahim, Princess Salwa and members of the Imam’s family pose for a photograph with the members of the Ismaili Leaders’ International Forum after the nikah ceremony.

Geneva, Switzerland, 31 August 2013 – Mawlana Hazar Imam’s eldest son, Prince Rahim and Ms Kendra Salwa Spears were married in Geneva, Switzerland, earlier today. 

Members of the first Aga Khan Award for Architecture steering committee deliberating in Boston, in 1979.

In 1970s, a group of intellectuals came together at Aiglemont, France, to bend their minds towards a pressing problem: how to arrest the decline of architectural traditions across the Muslim world and help these societies rediscover the confidence to shape their built environments in the image of their own values and identities? Journalist Ayesha Daya describes how the questions they raised, their deliberations and debates gave way to the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.

The staggered block arrangement of the 66-storey Met Tower in Bangkok — shortlisted for the 2013 Award — provides plenty of light and cross-ventilation, so that apartments require no air conditioning.

In the 36 years since the Aga Khan Award for Architecture was established, it has recognised a broad array of projects, from office towers to affordable housing developments; the restoration of heritage to radical innovations in the built environment. But what the winning projects have in common is that each is an example of how architecture can make society a better place to live, says journalist Ayesha Daya.

Ismaili Council for Canada President Malik Talib, Honorary Secretary Arif Amlani
and President Mohamud Zaver of the Ismaili Council for the Praries visit with a host family and their guest, who was evacuated from a flooded Calgary neighbourhood.

As rains pounded southern Alberta and water levels rose earlier this summer, states of emergency were declared in Calgary and other communities across the province. Ismaili institutions and volunteers quickly organised themselves to ensure the safety of the Jamat and to assist their fellow citizens in the wake of the disaster.

The Masjid Sultan in Singapore commemorates Ramadan annually with an informative and educational tour, and graciously hosts an iftaar dinner for all visitors.

This Ramadan, a group of young Ismailis in Singapore set out to learn more about their country’s Muslim heritage and diversity, while joining with other ummah youth to help families in need. Along the way, they visited the historic Masjid Sultan and took in the vibrant cultures of Geylang Serai Bazaar.

The Prince Aly Khan Hospital in Mumbai is a 137-bed acute care, multi-speciality facility established in 1945. Its Cancer Rehabilitation Centre goes beyond medical treatment, providing patients physical, emotional and cosmetic rehabilitation.

The Cancer Rehabilitation Centre at Prince Aly Khan Hospital in Mumbai recognises that for a cancer patient to make a healthy recovery, they require more than state-of-the-art medical treatment. Volunteers at the Centre – many of whom are cancer survivors themselves – offer everything from physical and emotional support to cosmetic rehabilitation.

The group gathered in front of Wat Phrabuddhasrisongkhlanakarin, an ornate Buddhist shrine at the centre of Songkhla in southern Thailand.

Earlier this year, Ismaili youth from the Far East came together in Thailand to join in celebrating the country’s new year festival – well known for celebrants splashing water on one another! It proved to be a memorable way for the youth to connect while immersing themselves in a unique tradition of Thai culture, says participant Adeel Gilani.

Samina Baig hopes that her achievement will inspire the millions of women in Pakistan.

Samina Baig, the first Ismaili Muslim woman and the first Pakistani female to climb Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, marked a unique historical achievement as she unfurled the national flag of Pakistan and the Ismaili flag on the summit. She hopes that her achievement will inspire the millions of women in Pakistan so that they too can achieve their dreams.

In "The Harmony Project", musicians perform a medley of spiritual music combining the instruments as diverse as the sitar and the electro-acoustic guitar.

The Harmony Project premiered before audiences at the Ismaili Centre, London on 13 and 14 April 2013. Written, directed and performed by members of the United Kingdom Jamat, the theatrical production follows the story of a group of fictional characters from completely different backgrounds, brought together to create a show.