Imagine an adventure film in which some very old manuscripts with mysterious circular diagrams are discovered in a museum. What it is? Is there a secret behind these circles? It's not a movie. This really is reality and the fantastic team, which helps to solve this mystery, and led by Zohora Pirbhai, is made up of Nasrine Kara, Nurin Hassanali and Zohra Gabrani.


It is a fantastic exhibition, on show at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum until September 2024.
The focus of this fifth edition of the Power of the Word project is a graphic encyclopedia.

88 pages of manuscripts, of Iranian origin, and compiled in the 19th century, were found in the Museum's reserves. And what is contained in these pages?

The best thing is to go and visit the Museum! But we can tell you that these are a series of circular diagrams that seek to explain God, the Universe, and Humanity.

It took a multi-disciplinary team of philologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators and university students, Muslim and non-Muslim, to be able to uncover the secrets that these manuscripts contain. And a fundamental part of this team were Zohora Pirbhai, Nasrine Kara, Nurin Hassanali and Zohra Gabrani.

You really can't miss this exhibition!

The Power of the V Word
The Offering to the Emperor: Circles of Knowledge

04 Oct 2023 – 01 Sep 2024
• 10:00 – 18:00
• Closed on Tuesday
Location Calouste Gulbenkian Museum
Price €10.00
Included in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum ticket