This week we feature the seniors Navroz celebration, via Zoom.


Jamati seniors celebrate Navroz

In a year where everything seems different, a constant feature remains: the wish to celebrate Navroz. This moment of spiritual renewal, with a perspective of hope and optimism, has a particular meaning in the current context.

Dance movements with exercises of gratitude, to the sound of the music Shukran Lillah, began the Navroz celebrations, on March 20th, with the participation of one hundred seniors. Some guests of the global Jamat also joined this virtual celebration, turning it into a One Jamat Celebration.

Following that, seniors took part in some questions and answers about their hopes and expectations for the New Year, with the participation of the coach Mahasen Premji, after which two videos were presented: Mowla Mowla Mubarak and Canada arrival.

Seniors also participated in a devotional program, led by Mahasen Premji, Nazir Hirji and Nassir Karmali.

The celebration ended with a moment of humour, starring Nazir Hirji and Nassir Karmali.

Active Memory

Once again, seniors celebrated Navroz, this time as part of the Active Memory program, on March 22nd.

In this session, led by Zubeda Ruhani, seniors were the main protagonists through guinans, poems, life stories, songs, theatre and moments of humour.

Choir (in synergy with External Relations, Arts & Culture - ERAC)

Jamati seniors continue participating in the senior choir, on Wednesdays, through the Zoom platform.

IT classes

IT classes take place on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

English classes

Basic English classes take place every Wednesday and intermediate English on Fridays.

Elderly Gym Class

Senior gym classes take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, in Lisbon and Oeiras, and on Wednesdays, in Seixal.

Seniors (+60) who wish to participate in the mentioned programs can contact the following Elderly Care members:

  • Shelina Amad: (Lisbon) 968 385 002
  • Salima Sadrudin: (Seixal) 933 080 185
  • Farida Nurali: (Oeiras) 960 400 250