World Children's Day 2020

Publish date: 
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Celebrating World Children’s Day 2020

Director: Aliraza Padaniya, DoP & Editor: Umair Bhojani, Graphics: Ragib Ali Animations: Sameed Makhani, Salman Tarani, Technical Support: Shahroz Shahnawaz, Mushahid Hussain

Modern challenges and global disruptions, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic, have impacted children around the world, both in terms of their physical growth and mental development, as well as their quality of life. On this World Children’s Day 2020, our pledge is to prioritize and contribute towards the holistic development of our children and the children of the Jamat worldwide. Let us invest in our children’s future by providing them with enabling environments and opportunities to realize their aspirations amidst the pandemic and beyond.

At the opening of The Aga Khan School in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, Mawlana Hazar Imam said, “There is no greater form of preparation for change than education. I also think that there is no better investment that the individual, parents and the nation can make than an investment in education of the highest possible quality.”

Education in our understanding, includes both material and spiritual domains; hence, as children grow, it is important to keep them closer to our faith, engage them with the community through voluntary services and encourage a life that encompasses the ethical values set forth by Mawlana Hazar Imam.

It is also important to equip young children with 21st century life skills. This means focusing on nurturing curiosity and critical thinking, encouraging life-long learners, enhancing their agility and resilience to adapt to unprecedented challenges of the modern world with optimism and finally, inspiring children to build human relationships that are rooted in self-awareness, empathy and value-based decisions. Life skills such as these will help them be better citizens of the world and prepare them for future careers and meaningful aspirations.

It is indeed absolute that we must, as parents, teachers, mentors, and well-wishers join hands to empower children for a better future. Happy Children’s Day!