Message from the Jamati Leadership on the occasion of Navroz

Dear Jamati Members,

On the auspicious occasion of Navroz, the Mukhis, Kamadias, Mukhianis, Kamadianis and the Jamati leadership of Pakistan pray for Jamat’s good health, long life and safety.

While we will not be physically together on this special day, our prayers will connect us spiritually in expressing our gratitude for blessings and hope for the future. Our unified resolve in this spirit of hope gives us strength to overcome the temporary challenge we face today and emerge stronger.

Jamat should rest assure that institutions are closely monitoring the COVID19 coronavirus impact on Pakistan and engaging with Government and AKDN agencies to take precautionary measures for the safety of the Jamat. We hope that Jamat will continue to abide by the instructions for proper hygiene and implementing social distancing. Volunteers are available to address Jamat’s health concerns.

This Navroz, with gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings, we pray for the wellbeing of the Jamat, our country, and humanity at large.

In an interview with journalists during the Diamond Jubilee, Mawlana Hazar Imam emphasised that, “Social ethic is a strong principle in Islam and I think that Muslims would be well advised to respect that as a fundamental ethic of our faith and to live by that, which means that we have to be what I would call an empathetic society, a welcoming society, peaceful society, a generous society.”

Navroz is a time to renew our commitment, as Ismaili Muslims, to be generous and supportive towards those in difficulties. Let us pray for strength to remain steadfast on sirat-ul-mustaqeem, be regular in our prayers and fulfill our civic responsibilities for the welfare of others.

May this auspicious day bring Barakat and spiritual enlightenment.

Ismaili Council for Pakistan