Our Stories

See stories from the Ismaili Community around the world.

30 January 2012

A selection of photographs from the Dear World Afghanistan campaign, taken by Grace Chung while she was an intern at Roshan in Afghanistan.

A view from within the court of the Danyore III Jamatkhana in Gilgit.
A view from within the court of the Danyore III Jamatkhana in Gilgit.
New jamatkhanas in Northern Pakistan serve as catalysts for improving quality of life
New jamatkhanas in Northern Pakistan serve as catalysts for improving quality of life
22 December 2011

Part of a seismically unstable zone that is prone to earthquakes, floods, landslides and droughts, Pakistan's northern region has long been home to a signifiant Ismaili population. Several new purpose-built jamatkhana projects blend traditional building with new disaster-resistant techniques. From design and construction to finished product, the new structures offer a model to uplifit the quality of habitat throughout the region.

Dr Nooredin Nurani (at the far left) and his team of dedicated volunteers offer free dental treatment at an annual event in Atlanta.
Dr Nooredin Nurani (at the far left) and his team of dedicated volunteers offer free dental treatment at an annual event in Atlanta.
Shaping the world around them through grassroots service
Shaping the world around them through grassroots service
15 December 2011

Described as grassroots because they are led by concerned citizens rather than governments or established institutions, such community action initiatives can be a powerful means in addressing difficult issues. Some Ismailis are successfully using grassroots action to magnify the impact of their volunteer work.

Roshan Hemani is the Plant Nursery Manager at the Aga Khan University’s Principal Campus in East Africa at Arusha.
Roshan Hemani is the Plant Nursery Manager at the Aga Khan University’s Principal Campus in East Africa at Arusha.
TKN volunteer aims to plant a forest while nurturing “mother plants” for Tanzania
TKN volunteer aims to plant a forest while nurturing “mother plants” for Tanzania
14 October 2011

Lifelong educator Roshan Hemani has been hard at work on the site of the new campus of the Aga Khan University in Arusha. But instead of moulding young minds she is re-forming the landscape – Hemani and a team of gardeners are on a mission to plant 150 000 trees in the area. And the plant nursery she has established may become a vital source in sustaining Tanzania’s ecology for years to come.

Nasir Jetha with traditional dancers in Kyrgyzstan, where he served as a TKN volunteer at the University of Central Asia.
Nasir Jetha with traditional dancers in Kyrgyzstan, where he served as a TKN volunteer at the University of Central Asia.
University of Central Asia benefits from the services of a worldly accountant
University of Central Asia benefits from the services of a worldly accountant
31 August 2011

Nasir Jetha’s career in accounting and finance has taken him around the world, from Tanzania to England, Canada and Bermuda. Most recently, it took him to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where he helped oversee the Finance Department of the University of Central Asia as a TKN volunteer.

Ismaili volunteers taking part in the USA Jamat’s I-CERV programme pack clothes for Ocean Park Community Center in California.
Ismaili volunteers taking part in the USA Jamat’s I-CERV programme pack clothes for Ocean Park Community Center in California.
Ismaili Muslims uphold tradition of voluntary service hand-in-hand with their fellow Americans
Ismaili Muslims uphold tradition of voluntary service hand-in-hand with their fellow Americans
31 August 2011

Service to humanity is at once an ethic deeply rooted in the Islamic tradition, as well as a fundamental expression of American civic values. Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the September 11th tragedy in partnership with their fellow Americans, Ismaili Muslims across the United States will volunteer in a wide range of service activities in their local communities.

Life after the devastating floods — a boy lost in thought in Darkut, Gilgit-Baltistan.
Life after the devastating floods — a boy lost in thought in Darkut, Gilgit-Baltistan.
Through the camera lens: Life after the floods (Part 2)
Through the camera lens: Life after the floods (Part 2)
3 August 2011

In this conclusion of a two-part story, broadcast journalist Faridoun Hemani recounts his experience as part of a team that visited areas stricken by the 2010 Pakistan floods to document the impact of the AKDN Early Relief and Recovery Programme. The team travelled to Gilgit-Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, where they listened to local people tell life-changing stories.

Fauzia of the FOCUS Search and Rescue Team, Gilgit demonstrates an evacuation technique.
Fauzia of the FOCUS Search and Rescue Team, Gilgit demonstrates an evacuation technique.
Through the camera lens: Life after the floods (Part 1)
Through the camera lens: Life after the floods (Part 1)
3 August 2011

In this first installment of a two-part story, broadcast journalist Faridoun Hemani describes his experience as part of a team that visited areas stricken by the 2010 Pakistan floods to document the impact of the AKDN Early Relief and Recovery Programme. The team travelled to Gilgit-Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, where they listened to local people recount life-changing stories.

The value of one hundred smiles
The value of one hundred smiles
18 May 2011

For nearly 16 years, Shamim Hassan Shivji placed close to 100 Karachi orphans with couples from around the world. She and a neighbour routinely cared for the orphaned or abandoned infants while seeking out loving homes for them. She never charged for the service – her reward was seeing kids she placed grow up to become well-educated members of society.

Salim Mohamed signing his TKN contract at the PCM Dubai Office on 5 March 2008. He would serve as PCM’s Regional Project Manager for East Africa.
Salim Mohamed signing his TKN contract at the PCM Dubai Office on 5 March 2008. He would serve as PCM’s Regional Project Manager for East Africa.
TKN service a source of valuable experience and career growth
TKN service a source of valuable experience and career growth
5 May 2011

When Salim Mohamed started his Time and Knowledge Nazrana assignment with AKDN project and construction management company PCM, the civil engineer brought decades of experience to the East African construction projects he was tasked with overseeing. He in turn gained valuable experience working in an African setting, and an understanding of what it’s like to work for an AKDN institution.

Through “Planting a Tree for Africa”, the Serena Hotels Group has planted over one million trees in the National Parks of Kenya.
Through “Planting a Tree for Africa”, the Serena Hotels Group has planted over one million trees in the National Parks of Kenya.
Climate change, the carbon market and trees
Climate change, the carbon market and trees
16 March 2011

Over the last 25 years, AKDN has planted over 100 million trees in Asia and Africa. Many communities already recognise that sustainable agro-forestry provides dividends in the form of food, fuel and fodder, and the emergence of a global carbon market presents new opportunity.

A tent village established by FOCUS to house those displaced by the torrential rains that struck Sindh in August 2010.
A tent village established by FOCUS to house those displaced by the torrential rains that struck Sindh in August 2010.
Compassion and volunteerism save Pakistan’s most vulnerable
Compassion and volunteerism save Pakistan’s most vulnerable
4 March 2011

Massive flooding last year in the regions surrounding the Indus River caused devastation, destroying more than 1.4 million acres of cropland and over one million homes. But the resilience of those affected and the compassion and generosity of those providing assistance offers hope and lessons for the times ahead.

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