Spicy Yoghurt Oat Muffins

Azim Lakhani
10 July 2017


Diet Type:Dessert

Healthy Hints

Oats provide whole grains and are heart-healthy, so basing cakes and muffins on oat flour is a nutritious choice. Each muffin gives you 2 grams of fibre, which helps keep your digestive system in good working order. The moisture in this mix comes from natural yoghurt rather than from butter or margarine, so you're keeping your saturated fats low.



250 g (8.8 oz) porridge oats flour

1 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp skimmed milk powder

2 tsp garam masala

½ tsp turmeric

2 tsp cumin and coriander powder

½ tsp black pepper, ground

10 g dried yeast

4 tbsp fried onion

1 tbsp fresh garlic, crushed

1 tbsp fresh green chilli, crushed

40 g (1.4 oz) coriander sprigs, leaves and stems finely chopped

¾ tsp salt

2 tbsp olive oil

225 g (7.9 oz) natural yoghurt

250 ml (8.5 fl oz) water

What does this chart mean?

Serving Weight 64 g
  • Calories115kcal
  • Protein3.9g
  • Fat3.8g
  • Saturated fat0.7g
  • Carbohydrate15.1g
  • Sugars (Total)3.2g
  • Fibre2.1g
  • Salt0.2g


1. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. You can also mix the ingredients using a hand blender.

2. Cover and allow the mixture to rest for 45 minutes.

3. Spoon the mixture equally into 12 deep muffin moulds (eg 125ml).

4. Leave in a warm place for a further 45 minutes for the mixture to rise (you could try placing them in an oven at 50F or 25C)

5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C (170°C fan) / gas mark 4, until golden brown.

6. Turn on to a cooling rack and allow to cool.

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