Safety and Security: Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about important safety and security protocols for the USA Mulaqat.


Will ambulances be available in case of an emergency?

Yes, ambulances will be available at the Mulaqat venue in case of an emergency. 

Will there be a separate entrance for bedridden and/or terminally ill Jamati members?

Yes, there will be separate areas for those who are terminally ill. Please contact the Health Board for more details.  Contact information is available at Mulaqat Information Center in all Jamatkhanas.

What should I do in the event of an emergency?

All Jamati members are requested to follow the instructions given by Risk Management and Safety volunteers in case of any type of emergency.

Who should I contact if I lose sight of my child?

Please contact the nearest volunteer, Lost & Found Desk, or Mulaqat Information Center.  All parents are also requested to please ensure that every young child wears an identification band.  Bands are available when collecting Entry Cards in Jamatkhanas, and also from registration desks at the Mulaqat venue.


What items will I need to bring in order to check in at the Mulaqat hall?

Your Entry Card and valid I.D.(for those 18 years and older) will be required to enter the venue.

Where can I view a list of what to bring and what not to bring to the Mulaqat hall?

A checklist of items to bring to the Mulaqat hall is available here.  A list of prohibited items that may not be brought to the Mulaqat hall is available:  Electronic Device Policy and Prohibited Items.

What items am I allowed to bring to the Mulaqat hall for my child?

Diapers, milk, water, clothes, baby food, baby wipes, and pacifiers and other items not listed on the prohibited items list are allowed.

Will strollers, child carriers and/or car seats be allowed in the Mulaqat hall?

Strollers will be checked before entering the hall and returned upon exiting the hall.  Car seats and child carriers are permitted inside the hall.

If I step out of the Mulaqat hall, will I be able to return to the hall?

Yes, however, any Jamati member who exits the hall must go through all security screening procedures again in order to return to the hall.

I have a pacemaker. Will I still have to go through security screening?

Yes, security professionals will be available to screen members using hand-wands instead of metal detectors.  Please inform the security volunteers onsite of your pacemaker before entering the metal detectors.

Are electronic devices allowed in the Mulaqat hall?

Electronic devices are not allowed in the Mulaqat hall.  Please see the Electronic Device Policy and Prohibited Items list for details.

Will I be able to keep my phone with me in Mulaqat hall?

We respectfully urge all Jamati members to please leave all electronic devices at home or in vehicles for the duration of the Mulaqat.  Please see the Electronic Device Policy and Prohibited Items list for details.