Breakfast provides quick and easy fuel to start the day

After a good night’s rest, your body needs fuel to kick-start the day. Everyone should make breakfast a habit, especially children. It provides energy throughout the day and improves your ability to concentrate.

After a good night's rest, your body needs fuel to kick-start the day. Milk and fruit are great choices!. Photo: Nazma Lakhani After a good night's rest, your body needs fuel to kick-start the day. Milk and fruit are great choices!. Nazma Lakhani

Are you a breakfast king or a breakfast skipper?

Just like it sounds “breakfast” is about breaking the fast! After a good night's rest, your body needs fuel to kick-start the day. Everyone should make breakfast a habit, especially children. It provides energy throughout the day and improves your ability to concentrate.

It also helps to manage your weight by reducing the temptation to snack on high calorie foods during the day. In fact, it has been shown that those who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than breakfast skippers.

Breakfast does not have to be a boring meal or an extra effort – it can be quick, simple and even interesting. Grab a piece of fruit, a pot of yogurt or a slice of toast; you can even eat them on the go!

Try a crunchy wholegrain cereal, which is high in fibre and a good source of energy throughout the day. Photo: Nazma Lakhani Try a crunchy wholegrain cereal, which is high in fibre and a good source of energy throughout the day. Nazma Lakhani

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Get a healthy start on yout day by trying one of the ideas below:

  1. For something quick and simple, try one or two slices of wholegrain toast made from granary or multi-seeded bread with a low-fat spread or topped with banana.
  2. A small bowl of high fibre cereal like warm porridge or a crunchy wholegrain cereal. High-fibre varieties are more filling and the energy they provide will last longer through the day. Be sure to sweeten with fresh or dried fruit instead of sugar.
  3. How about a pot of yoghurt and fruit? Whether you are having a fruit yoghurt or prefer a plain/natural flavour, choose low-fat and low-sugar varieties. Yoghurt provides a good source of calcium. Try topping it with crunchy oats, muesli or some fresh fruit like a handful of strawberries, blueberries or a chopped banana.
  4. Eggs are a good source of protein and quite filling. Try them scrambled, poached or boiled with wholemeal toast, or have an omelette and mix in some vegetables like tomatoes and onions. You could even take this on the go in a roll or a bagel.
  5. And if once a week you like parathas, then try them without the added butter or ghee and enjoy a healthier version (see our Stuffed Paratha recipe). Or if it is bateta saak (potato curry) that you fancy, then ditch the puris and try warm rotli (chapati) instead.

Whether you prefer to start the day with something quick and simple or cooked and elaborate, make breakfast a part of your daily routine and it will soon become a habit. Wake up to a healthy breakfast and give yourself an energy boost to start the day!