Nairobi, 28 July 2011 – As Mawlana Hazar Imam prepared to depart Nairobi, senior Jamati leaders bid him farewell. Prior to leaving East Africa, Mawlana Hazar Imam stopped over in Arusha, where he visited the site of the Aga Khan University campus and met with the Secretary General of the East African Community.


Nairobi, 28 July 2011 – As Mawlana Hazar Imam prepared to depart Nairobi, senior Jamati leaders bid him farewell at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Thursday. Hazar Imam's departure marked the end of his 24-day visit to the Jamats of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

Prior to leaving East Africa, Mawlana Hazar Imam stopped over in Arusha, where he travelled by helicopter to the site of the planned Aga Khan University campus. When developed, the campus will house the University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences in East Africa.

In the afternoon, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with Ambassador Dr. Richard Sezibera, the Secretary General of the East African Community at the organisation's headquarters in the Arusha International Conference Centre. Hazar Imam briefed the Secretary General on the progress of various Aga Khan Development Network projects in East Africa, and discussed the contribution that the Arusha campus of the Aga Khan University will make to the region.

The Secretary General hailed the establishment of the new campus, saying that it would contribute to the creation of an East African identity.

“Your Highness, your vision is very exciting and compelling, and we [the East African Community] support these noble objectives meant to develop the region as a unit,” said the Secretary General. He called on the Community to work closely with AKDN in the areas of education, research and healthcare.

Mawlana Hazar Imam departed Arusha in the evening, drawing his East Africa visit to a close.