Gearing up for the Golden Jubilee Games

Members of the Jamat from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda participated in an array of sporting events in Dar es Salaam over the holiday weekend in December 2007.


Zahir Jivani, President, Ismaili Council for Tanzania officially opened the Golden Jubilee Games in Dar es Salaam. Copyright: Photo: Courtesy Africa web team    Zahir Jivani, President, Ismaili Council for Tanzania officially opened the games in Dar es Salaam. Photo: Courtesy AKYSB

Members of the Jamats from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda participated in an array of sporting events in Dar es Salaam over the holiday weekend in December 2007. The events included badminton, snooker/pool, soccer, swimming, table tennis, throwball and volleyball. Alongside these competitive events there were also opportunities for people to participate in friendly games. With ideal weather conditions, scenic locales and access to world-class facilities, the games generated a festive atmosphere. The spirited three-day event inspired many athletes to train even harder for the International Golden Jubilee Games scheduled for June 2008. The Jamats in Africa look forward to displaying their sporting prowess and utilising their home-game advantage.