The President of the Republic of Mozambique annouced yesterday 04th September 2020 new containment measures to be in place during the public calamity situation starting from 7 September for an undetermined period of time, until the risk of the pandemic ceases

These measures fall within the new legal framework recently approved by the Government on disaster reduction and risk management.

The President of the Republic will submit to the Parliament a decree with the proposed detailed measures to be in place during the public calamity situation. Some of those key measures can be described as follows:


General prevention measures

  • the general prevention and containment measures against COVID-19 remain unaltered – the use of mask and physical distancing;



  • resumption of issuance of official documents – BI/DIRE, drivers license, temporary VISAs and registry booklets;



  • resumption of flights to some countries on a reciprocity basis;



  • timetable unaltered – from 6 a.m to 5 p.m;



  • From 1 October 2020 – resumption of 12th grade classes (only);



  • Visits: limit of 2 persons/patient; and
  • No visits to COVID-19 patients


Events (limitations)

  • Religious ceremonies –maximum up to 50% capacity of the venue subject to a maximum limit of 150 persons;
  • Private events – 40 persons;
  • Meetings – 40 persons; and
  • Funeral ceremonies – 50 persons



  • authorised access to the beach, subject to the following limitations:
  1. it is not allowed to play collective sports;
  2. it is not allowed to perform musical concerts; and
  3. it is not allowed to trade or consume alcooholic beverages.

The President of the Republic further stressed that the relief of the measures announced does not mean a lack of concern and/or negligence in terms of full compliance with such measures, to the contrary. If we are to do the transition to the ‘new normal’ – and consequently increase mobility and relax the measures – the prudence has to double. In addition, please note that non-compliace with such measures constitute a crime of disobedience, punished under the law.

Should you have any query on the above, reach out to the Legal Matters Portfolio member Suheil Salém and/or schedule a legal consultation via ZOOM.