In the meantime, the Council of Ministers has already approved said new revised measures by means of Decree No. 7/2021, of 5 March.
We would like to draw your attention to the following key measures stressed by the President:
- In essence, the measures provided for in the Decree No. 2/2021, of 4 February shall remain in place, including the curfew between 21:00 to 04:00 in the Cities of Maputo, Matola, Boane and Marracuene;
- It should be reinforced the mandatory use of masks in every public place where are gatherings, markets, shoppings and common areas;
- Resumption of presential classes nation-wide;
- Resumption of the soccer trainings related to the national soccer championship – the so-called “Moçambola”
Additionally, the President of the Republic stressed the importance of observing all the prevention and containment measures to avoid the spread of this pandemic, noting that in some provinces the use of mask is still a serious issue to be dealt with and there is a lack of conscious about the importance of its use.
The President also mentioned that all the Mozambicans – including at the Government level – are in the same field and each one of us has a civil duty to implement the prevention measures on that front.
The President also congratulated the health professional who are sacrificing and putting themselves at risk to save the lives of others. They deserve our applause and admiration.
Lastly, the President is hopeful that next time he will address the nation, it is to provide good news, meaning less stricter measures.
We urge the Jamat to continue to follow the measures and guidelines provided for in the Decree and issued by the local authorities with utmost rigour and discipline, for the safety of our members, families and country.
Should you require any clarification on any of the measures announced, do not hesitate to reach out to the Legal Matters Portfolio.