On 20th April, the President of the Republic of Mozambique addressed the nation to announce new measures in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.  


The President of the Republic declared that Mozambique is now under a Public Health Emergency (in Portuguese, “Emergência de Saúde Pública”).

The measures announced by the President of the Republic were published by means of Decree No. 14/2022, of 20 April 2022 (“Decree 14/22”) approved by the Council of Ministers and effective as from 00:00 20th April 2022.

The key developments worth noting pertains to the (i) use of masks, (ii) documents to be presented upon arrival at Mozambique and (iii) maximum number of participants in funeral ceremonies.

Those key developments can be summarized as follows:


Use of masks

The use of masks is now only mandatory in close venues.


Documents to be presented upon arrival in-country

Upon arrival at Mozambique, all passengers should:

(a)    Present a certificate attesting the complete vaccination against SARS COV-2 OR PCR with a validity of at least 72 hours;

(b)    Undergo a rapid antigen test, at their own expenses, for those who do not present a vaccination certificate or a PCR;

In a nutshell, if you have a valid vaccination certificate, you are not required anymore to perform a PCR and/or antigen testing prior arrival in Mozambique.


Funeral ceremonies

Maximum number of participants – 50 pax.

Lastly, it should be noted that all the other measures approved under the Public Calamity Situation – by means of Decree No. 4/2022, of 18 February – and not expressly repealed under this Decree 14/2022, shall remain in place – this includes the working hours of restaurants, limit capacity of public and private events and so forth. 

Should you have any queries, feel free to reach out to Suheil Salém – legal matters portfolio member.