“For those who have lost track, today is Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay.”

A friend recently posted this on Facebook. Does it make sense? Not really.

Absolutely nothing makes sense these days! Its’ shutdown and many of our everyday activities have been jeopardised. What do I say about the big activity: ‘school?’  Time today seems flat and the future? It looks quite ‘shapeless!’
I wonder, when will this Corona pandemic end, and when will we feel safe again? I fear leaving the house and spreading the disease but I also dislike being enclosed and limited.

Amidst this complexity, a thought that inspires me says: Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.   I am also deeply hopeful, that this pandemic will help us to break with the past and imagine our world anew.
What’s already making me feel good is the way in which social distancing is redefined to solidarity. Amazingly, due to this unique little bug everyone has started to care and pray for any stranger, neighbour or in fact for humanity as a whole, as, if it were our own family.  Will it not be appropriate to say: ’Connections in confinement’ for all the creative interdependence shown by countries, communities, societies, and humanity at large…