
30 June 2024

Periodic Reporting Obligations Regarding to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner. The Regulation of the Legal Entities Registry Office – Decree-Law No. 1/2024, dated 8 March – obliges all legal entities to submit updated declarations containing the list of their ultimate beneficial owners. 

10 Key Steps for Financial Prudence
10 Key Steps for Financial Prudence
10 Key Steps for Financial Prudence
10 Key Steps for Financial Prudence
12 April 2024

As we all know, it is important to practice financial prudence in our daily lives. But what does financial prudence entail and how can we implement it?

Impact of the current conflict on sub Saharan Africa
Impact of the current conflict on sub Saharan Africa
15 April 2022

As all are aware the current geopolitical scenario and ongoing military conflicts are holding a significant impact on societies, economies, organizations, and communities. In Africa, the conflict is expected to generate a commodity crisis as most food is reliant on exports from countries undergoing conflict.

Business Consortium
Business Consortium
12 March 2021

What is a consortium?

A consortium is more than a loose partnership of organizations working and learning together (although they will do both in a consortium). It is a formal arrangement between organizations working together to a defined objective. Clarity of purpose is essential.  

Jul 16
Webinar: Economic outlook for Mozambique 2020/21
9 July 2020

Webinar: Economic outlook for Mozambique 2020/21

Webinar recorder: How to Take Your Business Online
21 June 2020

Webinar recorder: How to Take Your Business Online

Future Trends and Industry 4.0
Future Trends and Industry 4.0
20 June 2020

We live in times of exponential change, driven by disruptive technologies, shifting global politics, changing human behavior, and newly emerging social norms. As we enter the fourth industrial revolution era,we may be witnessing the greatest amount of change ever seen in a single human lifetime. But what is it exactly, why does matter and what can we do about it?

Exemption on VAT
Exemption on VAT
19 June 2020

During these trying times the government passed a bill that will exempt VAT on essential goods.

Jun 21
Webinar: How to Take Your Business Online
19 June 2020

Webinar: How to Take Your Business Online

When: Jun 21, 2020 04:30 PM Maputo, Mozambique

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Password: 062491

Webinar video: Cash Flow Management
16 June 2020

This video is the recording of the webinar with topic Cash Flow Management.

Jun 21
Webinar: How to Take Your Business Online
15 June 2020

Webinar: How to Take Your Business Online

Jun 6
Webinar: Cash Flow Management
5 June 2020

The topic of the webinar is: Cashflow Management, Cost Control and the shaping of new normal and will be conducted by Salman Rajani, on the 6th of June.

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