News, Media and Resources

Planning for your family- What To Stock At Home?
Planning for your family- What To Stock At Home?
26 March 2020

Regardless of COVID-19, we reccomend always being prepared with emergency suplies for your home. Avoid panic buying, and use the list below for a list of goods you may want to purchase. 

Mental Health and Wellness During A Pandemic
Mental Health and Wellness During A Pandemic
26 March 2020

During a pandemic, it's equally important to focus on both your physical as well as mental well-being. Below, you can find some information about how best to deal with anxiety during these testing times, as well as the benefits of self-care. 

Stay Safe, Stay at Home
Stay Safe, Stay at Home
24 March 2020

One of the best ways to avoid contractinv COVID-19 and passing it on to others, is to self isolate and stay at home. Whilst at home, it's important to maintaing routine and keep healthy. 


Volunteers from the Ismaili Council for Kenya bid farewell to Prince Rahim and Princess Salwa upon their departure from Town Jamatkhana in Nairobi, Kenya.
Volunteers from the Ismaili Council for Kenya bid farewell to Prince Rahim and Princess Salwa upon their departure from Town Jamatkhana in Nairobi, Kenya.
Prince Rahim visits East Africa to evaluate AKDN’s response to environmental sustainability and climate change
Prince Rahim visits East Africa to evaluate AKDN’s response to environmental sustainability and climate change
24 March 2020

In early March, Prince Rahim, accompanied by his wife, Princess Salwa, visited Kenya and Tanzania, to better understand the plans and responses of the various institutions and agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) towards environmental sustainability and climate action.

Infection Control
Infection Control
22 March 2020

How do I ensure Infection Control at Home and at Work?

Domestic Help & The Household
Domestic Help & The Household
21 March 2020

I still have Domestic Help at home. How do I ensure they stay safe and healthy, as does my family?

Mawlana Hazar Imam sends a message for the Jamat
Mawlana Hazar Imam sends a message for the Jamat
19 March 2020

On the occasion of Navroz, The Ismaili is pleased to share a message from Malik Talib, Chairman of the Ismaili Leaders’ International Forum, which includes a message from Mawlana Hazar Imam.

Social Distancing
Social Distancing
19 March 2020

Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home.

How do I take care of a family member who we suspect may have COVID-19?
How do I take care of a family member who we suspect may have COVID-19?
18 March 2020

If you or a family member have a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, please follow the measures listed below. 

Self Quarantine
Self Quarantine
17 March 2020

In countries at the epicenter of the Coronavirus, medical professionals have clearly stated that the lack of self-isolation earlier on, possibly led to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus.

Positive developments at the Ismaili Economic Forum included collaborative efforts by businesses to further women’s empowerment and financial literacy to prepare women for corporate board participation.
Positive developments at the Ismaili Economic Forum included collaborative efforts by businesses to further women’s empowerment and financial literacy to prepare women for corporate board participation.
Transforming, engaging, and inspiring: Ismaili Economic Forum hosted in Kenya
Transforming, engaging, and inspiring: Ismaili Economic Forum hosted in Kenya
6 July 2019

Over 500 delegates from the Jamats of Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa gathered for the launch of the Ismaili Economic Forum (IEF) held in Nairobi in April 2019. The Forum was organised to bring together Ismaili businesses, professionals, and entrepreneurs, to discuss and respond to rapid change in Africa and advancements in technology on the continent, and to build economic and knowledge capacity within the Jamat. 

Prince Hussain describes the elements of a particular photograph. Nairobi’s Town Jamatkhana (Khoja Mosque), provided the perfect backdrop for Prince Hussain's stunning photographs of marine life.
Prince Hussain describes the elements of a particular photograph. Nairobi’s Town Jamatkhana (Khoja Mosque), provided the perfect backdrop for Prince Hussain's stunning photographs of marine life.
Prince Hussain’s photo exhibition illustrates the fragile beauty of marine life
Prince Hussain’s photo exhibition illustrates the fragile beauty of marine life
20 March 2019

Prince Hussain officially inaugurated his exhibition of marine photography last month at the historic Town Jamatkhana in Nairobi.

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