Yoga Without Borders with Yasmin Kurmaly - Ishta Restorative Yoga

Ideal for Beginners and Intermediate levels

ISHTA is an acronym for the “Integrated Science of Hatha Tantra and Ayurveda” and is a physical and spiritual form of yoga that addresses the individual needs of each student who practices it. The Sanskrit word “ishta” means “individual” or “personalised”. 

An ISHTA yoga class comprises of physical postures(asanas), breathing techniques(pranayama), higher energy control, meditation and deep relaxation(Yoga Nidra).

ISHTA embraces elements from a variety of styles and seeks to help its students discover the exact blend of postures, breathing, and meditation techniques necessary to bring out their fullest potential. ISHTA yoga is a balanced practice where a student learns to tune into themselves and their own personal needs, taking the yoga at the pace of each individual. Styles such as Hatha, Yin, Flow, Kundalini are incorporated .