Farah Nasser on practicing self-isolation

Video: Farah Nasser on practicing self-isolation

As Ismailis, we have always cared for one another in times of need. As Canadian Journalist Farah Nasser says, by practicing self-isolation and social distancing at this time, we are helping to curb the spread of the virus, and in the process, safeguarding the most vulnerable among us.

The Covid-19 virus can and has spread among people who have no symptoms. This is why governments around the world have implemented measures of isolation and social distancing. The aim is to “flatten the curve,” and in effect, reduce the total number of infections.

Caring for one another, and in particular the most vulnerable members of our community and society is at the heart of what the Ismaili Jamat stands for. As such, and in order to stop the virus from spreading, we need to practice physical distancing. As Farah says, we should be disciplined and avoid social meetings or gatherings.

Although we need to isolate for some time, we are not separate or by ourselves. Through technology, we can come together and face this challenge with a sense of hope and resolve as One Jamat.