"By civil society, I mean a realm of activity which is neither governmental nor commercial, institutions designed to advance the public good, but powered by private energies. They include non-commercial, non-governmental entities in fields such as education, health, science and research. They embrace professional, commercial, labour, ethnic and arts associations, and others devoted to religion, communication, and the environment."
“I warmly thank the Foundation Parma Capitale della Musica for giving the Aga Khan Trust for Culture the opportunity to share with you, in this great city and this great country of unique cultural wealth, a small sample of the cultural assets of the Islamic world, and to try to build new forces of pride and respect for the cultural manifestations of the Islamic world at a global level.”
“Many observers describe this new world as the “Knowledge Society” - contrasting it with the Industrial Societies or the Agricultural Societies of the past. In this new era, the predominant source of influence will stem from information, intelligence and insight rather than physical power or natural resources.”