Environmental Responsibility

Incorporating more plant-based foods into the diet can be beneficial for both human and planetary health.
Incorporating more plant-based foods into the diet can be beneficial for both human and planetary health.
Carnivore to compassion: My journey to a plant-powered lifestyle
Carnivore to compassion: My journey to a plant-powered lifestyle
28 August 2023

Vegan diets are surging in popularity, but are sometimes viewed with a degree of scepticism. A barrage of questions like “won’t you miss meat?” and “how will you get enough protein?” are often posed at those who become vegan. I once asked those same questions, but now I have some answers. Here’s my story.

By explaining the causes and impacts of climate change to our children, we can empower them to become informed and engaged stewards of the environment.
By explaining the causes and impacts of climate change to our children, we can empower them to become informed and engaged stewards of the environment.
Explaining climate change to children: A parent's guide
Explaining climate change to children: A parent's guide
5 July 2023

Climate change is the most important topic affecting the future of our children. As responsible parents, it's important for us to talk to them about the issue. This article can help you explain climate change in a way that’s easy for children to understand.

As summer temperatures soar, extreme heat events can be critical tests of survival.
As summer temperatures soar, extreme heat events can be critical tests of survival.
Ten tips to stay safe in extreme heat
Ten tips to stay safe in extreme heat
28 June 2023

As summer begins in the northern hemisphere, many regions are bracing for another season of record-breaking heat waves. While some of us may enjoy the sunny weather, others may suffer from exhaustion, dehydration, or heat stroke. How can we all stay safe and comfortable during these scorching days?

This rendering of the Aga Hall Estate project depicts a planned charbagh garden.
This rendering of the Aga Hall Estate project depicts a planned charbagh garden.
Aga Hall Estate laying the foundation for a greener future
Aga Hall Estate laying the foundation for a greener future
23 June 2023

The summer of 2023 in India is turning out to be the one of the hottest, with temperatures soaring over 45 degrees Celsius. The threat of such heat waves and the broader risks of climate change are making green buildings a growing area of interest for the real estate sector.

The Living Sea - Natural Beauty was on display at the Ismaili Centre Toronto from 24 May to 4 June.
The Living Sea - Natural Beauty was on display at the Ismaili Centre Toronto from 24 May to 4 June.
In conversation with Prince Hussain for World Oceans Day
In conversation with Prince Hussain for World Oceans Day
7 June 2023

In celebration of World Oceans Day on 8 June, join us on The Ismaili TV for an exclusive interview with Prince Hussain, as he walks through his marine wildlife photography exhibition at the Ismaili Centre Toronto. Prince Hussain shares his profound love for the oceans, emphasising the urgent need for conservation and protection, and shares exclusive insights into the making of the exhibition. Watch the interview now on The Ismaili TV.


Video: World Environment Day 2023 - #BeatPlasticPollution
5 June 2023

Plastic waste has had a devastating impact on our environment. Today, on World Environment Day, watch this short, impactful video that sheds light on the dire effects of plastic pollution and inspires action towards a sustainable future by reducing our use of plastic and creating a cleaner, greener world.

Recognising that not enough people were talking about climate change, Rozina Kanchwala crafted a play that aimed to provoke thought and spark dialogue.
Recognising that not enough people were talking about climate change, Rozina Kanchwala crafted a play that aimed to provoke thought and spark dialogue.
Meet Rozina, the environmental advocate changing the world one act at a time
Meet Rozina, the environmental advocate changing the world one act at a time
4 June 2023

In a world grappling with the impacts of ecological crisis, a ray of hope shines through the tireless efforts of individuals dedicated to preserving our planet. Among them is Rozina Kanchwala, whose passionate advocacy is rapidly capturing attention.

Petrol-powered mobility carries hidden costs, devastating environmental impacts, and even harm to our health.
Petrol-powered mobility carries hidden costs, devastating environmental impacts, and even harm to our health.
How to make your daily commute more eco-friendly
How to make your daily commute more eco-friendly
30 May 2023

Across the world today, the carbon footprint from transportation is enormous. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, in 2020, the sector was responsible for 27 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from gasoline and diesel fuel. That's a significant share, but what can we do about it?

Prince Hussain engages in an on-stage conversation with Canadian television journalist and anchor Omar Sachedina.
Prince Hussain engages in an on-stage conversation with Canadian television journalist and anchor Omar Sachedina.
Prince Hussain inspires action through art with photography exhibition in Toronto
Prince Hussain inspires action through art with photography exhibition in Toronto
24 May 2023

Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen visited Toronto and Waterloo this week as part of the multi-city Canadian debut of The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty — an exhibition featuring Prince Hussain’s captivating underwater photography with the goal of raising awareness of the critical need to preserve and protect our fragile marine ecosystems.

Prince Hussain brings beauty and vulnerability of the oceans to Calgary in The Living Sea exhibition
Prince Hussain brings beauty and vulnerability of the oceans to Calgary in The Living Sea exhibition
18 May 2023

Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen arrived in Calgary earlier this week for the Canadian debut of The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty — an exhibition featuring photography by Prince Hussain, celebrating the beauty and vulnerability of the oceans.

With smart strategies, each one of us can make a real difference to safeguarding the Earth for future generations.
With smart strategies, each one of us can make a real difference to safeguarding the Earth for future generations.
How can we fulfil our responsibility to care for the planet?
How can we fulfil our responsibility to care for the planet?
21 April 2023

Through the millennia of human existence, the Earth’s climate has shifted gradually from ice ages to warm periods due to natural cycles. So why are we so concerned about the changing climate now?

Behind the Lens of 'Cry from the Mountains': A Q&A with the Director
Behind the Lens of 'Cry from the Mountains': A Q&A with the Director
21 April 2023

Last May, record temperatures provoked a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) in northern Pakistan, sweeping away bridges and villages in the valley below the Shishper glacier. Higher up the mountains, the semi-nomadic Wakhi were leading their yaks to summer pastures. Their traditional lifestyle has been heavily impacted by climate change. Season 2, Episode 9 of Voices from the Roof of the World, entitled “Cry from the Mountains” explores GLOFs and their effects in northern Pakistan.

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