Princess Zahra yesterday attended the inauguration of the Aga Khan Hostel in Sherqilla, a new facility designed to cater for and support female students of the adjacent Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Sherqilla.

Leaders of the Jamat along with representatives from the local government, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan were present at the ceremony, which marked an important milestone in the AKDN’s ongoing efforts to improve access to quality education in the region. 

The hostel will provide boarding for more than 100 students from valleys around Gilgit-Baltistan, such as Yasin, Ishkoman, Gupis, and Puniyal, and will enable them to attend the nearby Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Sherqilla from Grades 8 to 12.

The school started as the Diamond Jubilee Middle School, Sherqilla in 1968. The new purpose-built campus was inaugurated by Mawlana Hazar Imam in 1983 during his Silver Jubilee. In 2012, the school became the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Sherqilla. 

“The Aga Khan School, Sherqilla, is a project of which everyone in the Jamat and in the village can be proud,” Hazar Imam said at the time.

Today, the school is well-known for its commitment to high standards and many of its students come from remote and underserved communities. The Aga Khan Hostel, Sherqilla provides female students a safe, nurturing, and academically engaging residential environment.

The newly built hostel features comfortable dorms, a dining hall offering healthy and nutritious meals, recreation areas, common rooms with digital display screens, and spacious balconies, all accessible for children with disabilities. There is also a multi-purpose hall for indoor activities and a space for students to paint, draw or sketch.

Its convenient location next to the school enables students to fully immerse themselves in school life. This will support young minds on their educational journeys and help them grow into well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to their communities and beyond.