Season 2 of Voices from the Roof of the World is now available to stream on The Ismaili TV. The series of 10 films documents the struggles and solutions of people living on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Voices from the Roof of the World, an environmental documentary series sponsored by the Aga Khan University, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Aga Khan Foundation, and University of Central Asia, aims to raise awareness around the climate crisis in High-Mountain Asia. 

Through 10 films produced by filmmakers from Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Nepal, Season 2 of Voices from the Roof of the World takes us to high-mountain communities whose traditions and very survival are threatened by fast-melting glaciers and unpredictable snow and rain. 

A Cry from the Mountains, an episode capturing the impact of this summer’s record-breaking floods in Pakistan, features Nishat, a survivor of this year’s glacial lake outburst floods in Hassanabad, Hunza in Gilgit Baltistan. 

“There is water draining down all around us,” she says. “Everywhere you look, we’re surrounded by mountains and rushing streams… This is no place to live, only for water to drain away.”

Other episodes will document the threats faced by such iconic species as snow leopards and griffon vultures. The stories capture the struggle of people and natural habitats that are already living with the catastrophic impacts of climate change. Combining local knowledge and innovation, they are finding ways to adapt and fighting to save diverse ecosystems and precious water sources.

“The last year of devastating fires, droughts and floods has not spared any part of the planet, although the world’s poorest citizens, living in the most remote communities, will bear the greatest burden. We have to listen to their stories,” urges Andrew Tkach, Emmy-winning Executive Producer of the series. 

“From Mount Everest to the Thar desert, these films show us what lies ahead if we fail to heed the warnings from the Roof of the World.”

Season 1 was broadcast by media outlets and streamed on The Ismail TV last year. The entire series and many individual episodes were also screened at a dozen international film festivals, from Banff to Rotterdam.

Prince Hussain, a passionate advocate for environmental protection, commented on the launch, “The people worst affected by climate change today are least responsible for its causes and too often left to bear this burden alone. We must give these vulnerable communities a voice and all take responsibility to help them cope with this global crisis.”

Episode 1 of Season 2 is available to stream now on The Ismaili TV