Volunteer With Us

Global Encounters can only deliver successful programming with the support of our incredible volunteers.

The Talent Institute is recruiting for a number of exciting roles, starting with those with expertise in the field of sports. If you are interested in volunteering with us or any of our other Global Encounters programmes please fill out the form below:

Roles available include:

  • Sports SME for basketball, cricket, golf, table tennis, volleyball, badminton:
    • Sports professional or extensive experience with the sport
    • Collaborative and mature approach to objectively evaluate issues and needs
  • Sports Retreat Project Manager
    • Sports professional with large scale event planning experience
    • Responsible for managing entertainment, roadmap, objectives, surveys and timeline
  • Sports Retreat Logistics Lead
    • Sports professional with logistics experience, preferably for a team or league
    • Responsible for site planning,  equipment, food, and coordinating daily schedule
  • Sports Retreat Content Lead
    • Sports professional with a background in training/education or content development
  • Athlete Case Manager Lead
    • Work with multiple case managers across the globe to track potential Olympian athlete progress, provide resources and act as a liaison between GE Talent team and Case Manager
  • Athlete Case Manager
    • Individual with a sports background that would be responsible for supporting a roadmap/flight plan for Olympian-grade athlete to determine resources required
    • Work closely together with constituent to identify needs and gaps and assist in closing the gap
  • Talent Evaluators
    • Responsible for locating external sport evaluators. 
    • Work closely with athletic talent  and case managers to facilitate evaluation sessions with athletes