Non-Competitive Sports

Parasports & Non-Competitive Sports at ESF

Sport is a powerful medium for people with disabilities to discover new strengths, skills, success and above all, a way to nurture self-esteem. 

Parasport sessions including sitting throwball, wheelchair basketball and walking football will be open to all members of the Jamat. In addition, non-competitive sports including rock climbing, Kabaddi and lawn bowls will be on offer. ​Please come along with friends and family!

Highlights at ESF 2019 will include: 

  • Walking Football: David Ross 3G Pitch - Friday 4-5pm: Love football? You will love walking football, half the speed, double the fun! 
  • Wheelchair Basketball: David Ross Sports Hall — Saturday 3-5pm: Come and participate in a taster session of wheelchair basketball where you’ll be taken through the basic skills of the game and have a chance to play a mini match.
  • Sitting Throwball: David Ross Sports Hall - Saturday 2-3pm: Experience this spin-off to the edgy sport of Throwball, everyone is welcome!

The full non-competitive sports schedule can be found here: Non-Competitive Sports Schedule 

N.B. DRSV = David Ross Sports Village