Evening Entertainment


ESF 2019 Opening Ceremony - 8.15pm-9.30pm, DRSV Sports Hall

Join us for a spectacular start to the 2019 European Sports Festival!

The programme will feature dance, a presentation of Friday’s sports Awards and a special tribute to our amazing volunteers as we commemorate 100 years of the Ismaili Volunteers Corp. As is tradition, we will also showcase all our athletes from across Europe to mark the official commencement of the Festival.

Geet Mehfil and Dandia - 9.30pm-12am, EMCC Banqueting Room

The evening’s musical journey will start with a performance of melodious geets and ghazals. We will then pick up the pace and invite everyone to dance, dandia and raas the night away!

Dodgeball and DJs (Ages 13+) - 9.30pm-12am, DRSV Sports Hall 

Notoriously competitive and hugely entertaining, Dodgeball will blend top tunes, marvellous moves and crazy costumes! It’s time to party! Please note, those who are taking part in dodgeball will still be required to have an evening entry card for Friday (dinner). 

Lights! Action! Adventure! Calling All Superheroes! (Age 12 and under) - 9.30pm-11.30pm, EMCC Auditorium/Theatre 

Please note those under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a parent/guardian

Join us for an evening of movie night fun with your friends! Be prepared to tackle some challenges superhero-style before we show a film favourite for you to enjoy.



The Imaginarium (Age 12 and under) - 8.30pm-11pm, DRSV Studio 1 & 2

Please note those under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a parent/guardian

Let your imagination run wild! From pirates to fairies, face painting to arts and crafts, games to music making – there’s something for everyone!

Neon Nights (Ages 13-17) - 9pm - 12am, EMCC Auditorium/Theatre 

Glow wild at our neon disco night! Grab all your friends and head to the photobooth to capture the moment! Plus we’ll be keeping the dance floor going with the latest tunes from our resident DJ.

Comedy Cabaret (Ages 18+) - 9pm-12.30am, EMCC Banqueting Room

Comedy meets Talent! Two of the UK’s top comedians, Rob Rouse and Rudi Lickwood, will have you in stitches as they deliver a cracking comedy show. Interspersed with the comedy, a Beatbox trio and some amazing Jubilee Arts acts from across Europe will also be showcased so no matter what you’re into, you’re bound to be entertained.

Sounds and Sights of the East: A cultural medley of comedy, dance and music - 9pm-12.30am, DRSV Sports Hall

We have a sensational Bollywood artist, Shadab Faridi, lined up to get your feet tapping and hearts racing. Sing along to old favourites as well as the latest hits and be prepared for some comic relief from Jimmy Moses, a top Bollywood comedian. We're also excited to showcase "'The Bollywood Co." dance crew and the talented Afghan singer, Hashmat Ehsanmand, who promises to stir the senses and celebrate our diverse heritage.



ESF 2019 Closing Ceremony: Celebrating Diversity - 8.30pm-10.30pm, DRSV Sports Hall

The ESF 2019 Closing Ceremony will draw the weekend’s festival to a close. The ceremony will feature entertainment which celebrates the spirit of “One Jamat” across Europe as well as recognising all our volunteers, athletes and medal winners. The celebrations will continue late into the evening as athletes and spectators party the night away to a mix of Bollywood, Central Asian, Middle Eastern and European favourites. Attendees should feel free to wear Traditional dress in celebration of all our cultural backgrounds. 


Please note: evening entertainment and dinner entry cards can be purchased through the online application form - click here to purchase. The online price is £15 per evening for adults (13+) and £10 per evening for children (ages 7-12). Entry cards puchased on the weekend itself will be £20 per evening for adults (13+) and £15 per evening for children (ages 7-12). Dinner and evening entertainment is free for children (ages 0-6), and you are not required to purchase entry cards for this.