What's New

The Ismaili Centre, London opens as a rapid Covid-19 Testing Centre
The Ismaili Centre, London opens as a rapid Covid-19 Testing Centre
17 March 2021

The Ismaili Centre, London has opened as a new rapid Covid-19 Testing Centre for the Jamat, residents, businesses and visitors from across the borough. 

Supporting those at risk of hunger across the UK
Supporting those at risk of hunger across the UK
10 March 2021

The Shia Ismaili Muslim community in the UK has joined forces with food charity FareShare to provide essential meal supplies for disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the UK.

Trussell Trust Foodbank Drive
Trussell Trust Foodbank Drive
10 March 2021

In December, Ismaili CIVIC Brighton partnered with The Trussell Trust and The Whitehawk Foodbank to collect donations of non-perishable food items such as rice, pasta and tinned food to support the homeless and vulnerable in the city.

Season’s Greetings - Ismaili CIVIC, South London
Season’s Greetings - Ismaili CIVIC, South London
16 February 2021

At the end of 2020, Ismaili CIVIC South London teamed up with local schools, Baitul Ilm, nurseries, churches and community groups to design and deliver more than 17,000 personalised Christmas cards.

Smile through Art 2020
Smile through Art 2020
16 February 2021

Ismaili CIVIC UK, Spectrum Consortium and AKYSB’s heARTspace collaborated on a joint mission late 2020, to bring a smile to the faces of care home residents and workers.

Sale Salvation Army Present Appeal - Ismaili CIVIC, Manchester
Sale Salvation Army Present Appeal - Ismaili CIVIC, Manchester
16 February 2021

In November, Ismaili CIVIC Manchester donated 275 gifts to Sale Salvation Army, as part of their Present Appeal. These presents were donated on behalf of Manchester Jamat.

ISMAILI CIIVIC - Pemba Donation
ISMAILI CIIVIC - Pemba Donation
22 January 2021

The Jamat of Pemba, Mozambique donated food supplies to the recent internally displaced persons (IDPs) arriving via boat to Paquitequete beach.

Through the Ismaili CIVIC initiative, the Far East Jamat have promoted mask-wearing among local communities, to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the region.
Through the Ismaili CIVIC initiative, the Far East Jamat have promoted mask-wearing among local communities, to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the region.
Far East Jamat supports Covid-19 relief efforts
Far East Jamat supports Covid-19 relief efforts
6 January 2021

As governments imposed stringent lockdowns with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ismaili CIVIC in the Far East supported a number of initiatives to assist the communities of Singapore and Malaysia. The focus of these initiatives was to assist vulnerable segments of society who were at high-risk of facing financial and health-related challenges during the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.

Teachers and students around the world are finding ways to embrace remote learning and tap into the opportunities it offers.
Teachers and students around the world are finding ways to embrace remote learning and tap into the opportunities it offers.
Increasing access to remote learning
Increasing access to remote learning
6 January 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced teachers and students around the world to make an abrupt transition from classrooms to remote learning as schools, universities, and other educational centres were closed. Many communities in Asia were not prepared for this sudden change, but the Ismaili community in the Far East have helped to smooth the transition.

Ismaili CIVIC supporting the Local Community in South London
Ismaili CIVIC supporting the Local Community in South London
17 September 2020

Over the August Bank holiday weekend the South London Ismaili CIVIC team collected, organised and distributed over a thousand children’s items including clothes, toys, and books to vulnerable families in Croydon, South London.

Ismaili CIVIC supports Age UK
Ismaili CIVIC supports Age UK
17 September 2020

Following the launch of Ismaili CIVIC in the UK earlier this year, one of the earliest engagements was with Age UK, a long-term partner for the Ismaili community.

Dr Nelson Mucopo from Hospital Central da Beira accepts the donation from Vishal Charaniya on behalf of the Mozambique Jamat.
Dr Nelson Mucopo from Hospital Central da Beira accepts the donation from Vishal Charaniya on behalf of the Mozambique Jamat.
Mozambique Jamat donates PPE to support local hospital
Mozambique Jamat donates PPE to support local hospital
19 August 2020

The Jamat of Beira, Mozambique donated personal protective equipment to help the healthcare workers of the Hospital Central da Beira who continue to work on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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