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georgia health peace

Civil Society organisations and Jamat in USA promote peace, health, and unity
Civil Society organisations and Jamat in USA promote peace, health, and unity
14 October 2021

Mawlana Hazar Imam’s guidance on building bridges to understand and learn from one another, and his emphasis on local participation in the promotion of peace and pluralism served as an inspiration for two recent initiatives held in Georgia, USA.

Hospital Central Maputo staff that supported the Blood donation event
Hospital Central Maputo staff that supported the Blood donation event
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day 2021 - Mozambique
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day 2021 - Mozambique
9 October 2021

Global Ismaili Civic Day (GICD)  in Mozambique during the weekend of 24-26 September 2021 included 4 donation initiatives including Food, Clothes, Blood and Hygiene Kits.

World Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental health Day 2021
World Mental health Day 2021
8 October 2021

World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and reminds us to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing. This year we encourage you all to make a mental health promise to look after your wellbeing. Watch our Institutional Leaders sharing their Mental Health Promises here.

Ismaili CIVIC UK Pledge 2021

Title : 
Ismaili CIVIC UK Pledge 2021
Ismaili CIVIC pledge presented to The Mayor of London
Ismaili CIVIC pledge presented to The Mayor of London
7 October 2021

We are pleased to share that on the afternoon of Thursday 7th October, President Naushad Jivraj along with volunteers and representatives of the Ismaili CIVIC team were invited to attend City Hall in London to meet the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to present our Ismaili CIVIC pledge of undertaking 100,000 hours of voluntary service.

Jurisdição Portuguesa participa no Ismaili CIVIC Day
Jurisdição Portuguesa participa no Ismaili CIVIC Day
30 September 2021

No passado fim de semana, nos dias 25 e 26 de setembro, comemorámos o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, que contou com a participação de mais de 20 mil voluntários, em todo o mundo, que deram o seu tempo e o seu contributo em prol da melhoria da qualidade de vida das comunidades em que vivemos.

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day Kenya
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day Kenya
30 September 2021

This first ever Global Ismaili CIVIC Day was celebrated across 30 countries around the world on 25th and 26 September 2021.  Volunteers from the Jamat have pledged hundreds of thousands of hours to improve the quality of life of the communities in which they live, exemplifying universal values of service, peace and compassion.

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal
23 September 2021

No dia 25 de setembro, sábado, junte-se a nós para a comemoração do Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal!

More than 30 countries will participate in the Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, with thousands of volunteers engaged in over 240 activities across the weekend.
More than 30 countries will participate in the Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, with thousands of volunteers engaged in over 240 activities across the weekend.
Worldwide Jamat unites for Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
Worldwide Jamat unites for Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
22 September 2021

Thousands of members of the Jamat are busy making final preparations ahead of the inaugural Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, to be held this weekend in more than 30 countries around the world.

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal
16 September 2021

No próximo dia 25 de setembro, junte-se a nós para a comemoração do Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal!

Civic Day
Civic Day
15 September 2021

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day est un programme mondial au sein de la communauté musulmane chiite ismaili du monde entier. Nous nous sommes tous réunis autour de cette tradition séculaire de service à l'humanité.

GLOBAL ISMAILI CIVIC DAY “Serving Humanity, Enriching Lives“
 September 24-26, 2021
GLOBAL ISMAILI CIVIC DAY “Serving Humanity, Enriching Lives“
 September 24-26, 2021
7 September 2021

In the ANZ region (with consideration to the COVID restrictions in each State) we invite you, your friends, your neighbours and workmates to participate in any or all of the following activities:

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
3 September 2021

Nous invitons les membres du Jamat, petits et grands, à réserver dès à présent leur week-end du 26 septembre à l'occasion du Global Ismaili CIVIC Day !

We invite all the members of the Jamat, young and old alike, to book their 26th september-week-end for a Global Ismaili Civic program!

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