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GICD 2023: Limpar as Praias e contribuir para Um Planeta Mais Limpo
GICD 2023: Limpar as Praias e contribuir para Um Planeta Mais Limpo
20 September 2023

A beleza da natureza é uma dádiva que todos podemos apreciar. As praias de areia dourada, o som suave das ondas, o cheiro do mar - esses são tesouros naturais que nos lembram constantemente da importância de preservar o nosso ambiente. É exatamente essa consciencialização que o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day (GICD) 2023 pretende promover.


Ismaili CIVIC volunteers help to plant a microforest in Upanga, Tanzania.
Ismaili CIVIC volunteers help to plant a microforest in Upanga, Tanzania.
Thousands unite for third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
Thousands unite for third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day
20 September 2023

This weekend in cities across the globe, a unique collaborative event is set to unfold. More than 58,000 people will come together to mark the third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, in a display of kindness, generosity, and good citizenship.

GICD 2023: Cleaning the Beaches and Contributing to a Cleaner Planet
GICD 2023: Cleaning the Beaches and Contributing to a Cleaner Planet
20 September 2023

The beauty of nature is a gift we can all appreciate. The golden sandy beaches, the gentle sound of the waves, the smell of the sea - these are natural treasures that constantly remind us of the importance of preserving our environment. It is precisely this awareness that Global Ismaili CIVIC Day (GICD) 2023 aims to promote.

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day is back!
Global Ismaili CIVIC Day is back!
13 September 2023

Come and make a difference on 24 September, from 10am to 1pm, in a beach clean-up action in partnership with the League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) and Oeiras City Council.


O Global Ismaili CIVIC Day está de volta!
O Global Ismaili CIVIC Day está de volta!
13 September 2023

Venha fazer a diferença no dia 24 de setembro, das 10h às 13h, numa ação de limpeza de praia em parceria com a Liga para a Proteção da Natureza (LPN) e a Câmara Municipal de Oeiras.


Ismaili CIVIC | Jornada Mundial da Juventude 2023
Ismaili CIVIC | Jornada Mundial da Juventude 2023
27 July 2023

De 1 a 6 de agosto de 2023, terá lugar em Lisboa, a Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ) 2023. Sob a alçada do Ismaili CIVIC, os nossos voluntários têm participado em várias ações de voluntariado.


Ismaili CIVIC | World Youth Day 2023
Ismaili CIVIC | World Youth Day 2023
27 July 2023

From 1 to 6 August 2023, the World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 will take place in Lisbon. Under the scope of Ismaili CIVIC, our volunteers have been participating in several voluntary actions.


Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Restrições à circulação rodoviária
Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Restrições à circulação rodoviária
25 July 2023

Fique a par das limitações previstas na circulação rodoviária em Lisboa de 1 a 6 de agosto, devido às atividades da Jornada Mundial da Juventude a terem lugar na capital Portuguesa.


JMJ 2023 - Distribuição de Kits
JMJ 2023 - Distribuição de Kits
16 July 2023

A Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ) está a aproximar-se e o nosso país precisa de ti! Junta-te a nós e vem distribuir os kits de peregrino e voluntário! Contamos contigo?

Ismaili CIVIC participa na montagem de Kits para peregrinos
Ismaili CIVIC participa na montagem de Kits para peregrinos
13 July 2023

No passado dia 7 de julho, o Ismaili CIVIC juntou-se ao Comitê da Jornada Mundial da Juventude na preparação dos kits para os peregrinos que vão visitar o nosso país no próximo mês.

Ismaili CIVIC Pakistan: Protecting the Environment and Combatting Climate Change
Ismaili CIVIC Pakistan: Protecting the Environment and Combatting Climate Change
24 May 2023

According to the United Nations (UN), climate change poses a threat to virtually every aspect of life on Earth, from human health and livelihoods to ecosystems and infrastructure. The fact that there has been a substantial increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and wildfires over the past few years is a testament to the urgency of the climate crisis we are amidst. International forums have started to stress on the desperate need for global action to address the impact of climate change and promote sustainable practices. Mawlana Hazar Imam has also been a vocal advocate for environmental sustainability, stating, “The consequences of climate change, if unchecked, will be catastrophic for all humanity and for the natural world we rely on.”

Ismaili Civic donates to Mahboba’s Promise
Ismaili Civic donates to Mahboba’s Promise
2 May 2023

During the month of Ramadhan, Ismaili Civic with generous donations from the Jamat collected over 40 school packs filled with stationary, books, toys, and lunch boxes. The school packs were gifted to orphans from the recent Afghan crisis, in collaboration with Mahboba’s Promise. Mahboba is the recipient of the Australian and NSW Human Rights Award for rescuing Afghan orphans from the recent crisis. The children were invited to the community Eid Celebration Picnic in Winston Hills and gifted the school packs.

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