Life can sometimes be stressful and challenging. While we are all doing the best we can to support ourselves and those around us, every once in a while, we may need some help. The following are a list of services and programs to help you maintain and improve your mental health:

Living Life to the Full (LLTTF)

This is an 8-week program designed to help individuals improve their coping skills to deal with life's everyday challenges and ongoing stresses, and to have healthier and more meaningful relationships. By the end of the course, we hope you will experience a boost in your mood, feel less stress, have more motivation, feel better prepared to deal with life’s problems, and have the skills to change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.

Email the Aga Khan Health Board for more information.

Mental Health First Aid

This is a 2-day course modelled after physical first aid and is offered several times a year in all regions. Participants learn signs, symptoms, and how to provide the initial help for various mental health concerns and conditions. The course aims to improve mental health literacy, and provide the skills and knowledge to help you better manage potential or developing mental health problems in yourselves and others.

This course is open to all Jamati members including badged and non-badged volunteers.

Email the Aga Khan Health Board for more information.

Medical Advisory Service (MAS)

MAS is a confidential service provided across Canada by Ismaili health professionals in several languages. This service provides information and support around physical and mental health questions.

To access MAS, please contact according to your region:

  • British Columbia: 604-438-4010 ext. 840
  • Edmonton: 780-461-2000 ext. 301
  • Prairies: 403-215-6200 ext. 544
  • Ontario: 416-751-4001 ext. 460
  • Ottawa: 613-739-0101
  • Quebec & The Maritimes: 514-738-8866 ext. 42

If you feel that you or a loved one are having difficulty maintaining positive mental health, please speak to a health care provider. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the Aga Khan Health Board. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911.