In the ANZ region (with consideration to the COVID restrictions in each State) we invite you, your friends, your neighbours and workmates to participate in any or all of the following activities:

Ismaili CIVIC is a global Initiatives ... where the Shia Ismaili Muslim community across the world has united, around a centuries-old tradition of serving humanity, by rendering voluntary service to improve the quality of life of the communities in which they live, regardless of faith, gender and background.

In 2021 we will be working with two themes: Environmental Stewardship and COVID- Response. In the ANZ region we invite you, your friends, your neighbours and workmates to participate in any or all of the following activities: (with consideration to the COVID restrictions in each State)

Theme - Environmental Stewardship:

On September 24-26:

Plant a tree: plant a native tree, fruit tree, flowers or seeds in your garden to build up your natural ecosystem and improve your environmental wellbeing.

Build a birdfeeder: join us in building a birdfeeder to invite nature into your yard. Use recycled materials like old cups, plastic bottles with seed, spoons etc around the home to build your eco-friendly birdfeeder.

See details in the link below and share photos on our social media using our hashtags below.

Theme - COVID Response:

Pamper Hampers: spread Kindness and care to your local healthcare workers and COVID affected families with pamper hampers. Donate pamper items such as candles, books, chocolates, body wash and other toiletries to lift the sprit and bring some joy. Be creative and make a Happiness Card to share with the Hampers. Click the link below for more information and make your donations delivered to the Ismaili Civic member in your city.

Donate Blood: Blood donation demand is at an all time high, and we can all do our part to help. Register with the Ismaili civic team and make an appointment at your local Red Cross Lifeblood donation centre and do your part in saving a life.

For information on all the activities: Click Here
To send us your pictures click here: Click Here