The information provided here is intended to provide advice, updates and support to the ANZ Jamat in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

You will find summaries of recommendations by the Australian and New Zealand Governments and Healthcare Organizations, as well as community updates, health updates, and resources to cope with changes in lifestyle.

Australia & New Zealand Jamati Helpline

ANZ Jamati Helpline has been setup to provide information and support.

Australia: +61 2 8378 4277

New Zealand: +64 9 222 0464

Email: [email protected]

Covid-19 Testing: Frequently Asked Questions
28 October 2020

This information page answers common questions about testing for Covid-19.

Covid-19 Banner
Covid-19 Banner
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
25 March 2020

A collection of resources and updates from government agencies and other institutions to provide the Jamat with advice and support during this time.

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